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Operational Resources

Operational Resources

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Instructions for Pulling Division Membership Reports

This step-by-step guide outlines how Division board members can pull membership reports via their member account. Don't have access and think you should? Contact your Division's president FIRST; they will need to contact [email protected] to report the following to staff for the database to be updated: Division name, member's name, member's email, role on board, term start date, term end date. NOTE: Membership reports are only accessible by Division board members who are listed in the following roles in CEC's database: President, President Elect, Past President, Executive Director, Membership Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Student Chair, RA, CAN Coordinator, PD Chair, Web Chair, Communication Chair. Division reports are not accessible to sub-division leaders; sub-division leaders must contact their division for membership reports.

All Division leaders

Instructions for Pulling Unit Membership Reports

This step-by-step guide outlines how Unit board members can pull membership reports via their member account. Don't have access and think you should? Contact your Unit president FIRST; they will need to contact [email protected] to report the following to staff for the database to be updated: Unit name, member's name, member's email, role on board, term start date, term end date. NOTE:  membership reports are only accessible by Unit board members who are listed in the following roles in CEC's data base: President, President Elect, Past President, Executive Director, Membership Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Student Chair, RA, CAN Coordinator, PD Chair, Web Chair, Communication Chair. Membership reports are not accessible to chapter leaders, chapter leaders must contact the Unit for membership reports.

All Unit leaders

BoardEffect Roberts Rules of Order Cheat Sheet

This link will take you to BoardEffect's website to review this cheat sheet! Consider referencing their resource when preparing for and facilitating your board meetings. 

Executive Director Contract Guidelines All

Q3 Component Resources Review Unit Town Hall

This October 2024 Town Hall reviews the changes to the Component Resources webpage on CEC's website. This PPT can be used by component leaders looking to introduce or re-introduce component volunteers to CEC-provided resources, including templates, guides, and more. This can also be reviewed by new component volunteers to aid in their acclimation to their role(s). 



Volunteer Job & Committee Description Templates

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Membership Chair

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


Past President

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


PD Chair

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


President Elect

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.



Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


Representative Assembly

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.



Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.



Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


Web Chair

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


Communications Chair

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


Sample Committee Charge/Description

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


Student Chair

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.


CAN Coordinator

Sample description from CEC based on standard role expectations. Components can use this template to craft their own descriptions or add to this template.



Goal Setting Tools and Resources

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Component Performance Matrix (Assessment Tool)

Use this Matrix to assess the health and performance of your Unit or Division to identify areas of success, and where your board should consider focusing on adopting best practices, setting goals, etc.. This matrix assess the following areas according to industry standards: strategy, operations, board management, professional development, programming, advocacy, communications/branding, and member engagement.


Q1 2023 - Mind Mapping and Strategic Goal Setting

Previously used to facilitate the 2023 Unit Town Hall, this PPT includes all talking points for this session and details for using mind mapping to set, revise, or detail new approaches for your component's goals. While stemming from a Unit-based program, this resource can be used by both any component.

All, especially President and Executive Director

Mind Mapping Tool for Goal Setting

Mind mapping is a great tool to help your component create or update its goals. This resource offers a step-by-step guide to navigate new or long-lasting challenges facing your board or component. Use this for developing new goals, to get "un-stuck" when faced with a difficult challenge/issue, or when you need to "take a step back."


Strategic Planning Process for Units/Divisions

This PowerPoint provides an outline for your component's navigation of creating a strategic plan. Use this to aid your planning process.

All, especially presidential line and executive directors


Component Insurance

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Insurance Overview

A highlight sheet detailing the key coverages components should consider.


CEC's Insurance Contact Information

Contact information for CEC's Forrest T. Jones & Company contact.



Finance-Related Resources

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Avoiding Legal and Financial Pitfalls Training Resources

This training is provided to Leadership Institute attendees covering the following:

  • Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Guiding Documents
  • 501c3 and Nonprofits
  • Governance Nomenclature
  • Insurance
  • License, Tax and Audit
  • Accounting
  • Contracts
  • Conflict of Interest

Watch Video


Budget Template - Excel Spreadsheet

This Excel spreadsheet template is editable and customizeable for your components' needs.



Volunteer Management

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Facilitating and Nurturing the Volunteer Experience PPT (LI 2024)

The volunteer experience is often “left out” when we discuss the member experience—why is that? CEC’s board of directors, component leaders, and committee members are fully comprised of members of the organization… Collectively, we value our individual membership and volunteer experiences, strive to craft and curate valuable membership experiences for our members, and care deeply about the ways CEC and its components contribute to the personal and professional development of its members. Shouldn’t the volunteer experience your component provides be as mindfully crafted as the other engagement experiences you provide?        Leverage this PPT presentation from the 2024 Leadership Institute to explore the importance of volunteer stewardship, what your board should learn/know about its volunteers, and the ""pillars"" of volunteer stewardship to strengthen your volunteer recruitment AND retention efforts.

Presidential line, membership chair

Components of a Sustainable Committee Structure Session PPT (LI 2024)

This breakout session PPT from the 2024 Leadership Institute reviews the challenges of delegation, the need for overcoming those challenges, and offers tools in doing so. This PPT can be used to help guide your component's board in adapting operations and practices to build a sustainable and effective committee structure.

Presidential line, committee chairs, board members serving as "committee liaison"

RACI Chart Template

RACI charts help to support operations and task/project management efforts by detailing who is is responsible for "what." This template can be used to clarify processes for communication and decision-making, and provide structure to roles and responsibilities. Leveraging this tool and updating it regularly in your own component's files can ensure volunteers have a guide to reference throughout their term and can be a useful reference guide for new board members and volunteers.

The RACI acronym stands for: 

  • Responsible: The person who is assigned the task and must complete it within the agreed-upon parameters and deadline 
  • Accountable: The person who ensures that the responsible person completes the task 
  • Consulted: The person who provides information, expertise, and opinion to help complete the task 
  • Informed: The person who needs to be kept in the loop about the task 
Presidential line, committee chairs, project leads


Last Updated:  8 November, 2024

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