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The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) highly values the power of coalitions to bring a collective voice to pressing policy priorities.

CEC is an active member of the following coalitions:

Co-Chair, Coalition for Teaching Quality

The Coalition for Teaching Quality works to promote and support a stable supply of qualified, effective educators for all communities. Coalition members believe in a professional standard for teachers before entering the classroom, and a system that supports building the capacity of educators to grow and thrive, meeting the needs of their students. 

Co-Chair, IDEA Full Funding Coalition

The IDEA Full Funding Coalition is comprised of education, disability, and other organization dedicated to fulfilling the funding promise for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Coalition works to amplify the IDEA Full Funding Act and urge Congress to increase funding for IDEA.

Committee for Education Funding

The Committee for Education Funding (CEF) provides a unified voice in support of increasing the federal investment in education. Its members span the education spectrum, from early childhood through post-secondary and technical education.  Kuna Tavalin is a member of CEF’s Advisory Committee for Nominations and Elections and a co-chair of the Gala Committee.  

Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) is the largest coalition of national organizations working together to advocate for federal public policy that ensures the self-determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society. CEC is an active member of the CCD Education Task Force.

Friends of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Led by the American Educational Research Association, the Friends of IES coalition is comprised of over 40 scientific associations, education organizations, universities, and research institutions that support the critical research, data, statistics, and evaluation programs at the Institute of Education Sciences.

National Alliance of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel

The National Alliance of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (NASISP) was created to ensure all students have the supports, services, and skills necessary to succeed in school and life. NASISP works to ensure students have access to the most qualified professionals, adequately trained to address their diverse needs.

National Coalition for Public Education

The National Coalition for Public Education supports public schools and opposes the use of federal funds for private and religious schools, including opposition to vouchers, tuition tax credits, education savings accounts and other mechanisms such as microgrants. Members include education, civil rights, and disability organizations as well as organizations committed to secular education. 

Ad Hoc Committees

CEC is also a member of ad-hoc committees that are stood up to react to imminent policy needs, such as the Homework Gap Coalition, which strives to ensure all schools, students, and educators have the necessary technology to support virtual learning.

Last Updated:  21 February, 2024

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