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Weekly Lesson Plan for Co-Teaching
This template from Dr. Marilyn Friend is intended for co-teaching teams to develop their weekly lesson plans. It contains space for outlining the lesson's objectives/standards, activities, which co-teaching approach will be used, what specially designed instruction (SDI) will be provided, and more.
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Technology tools for Students with Learning Disabilities
This resource contains a list of accommodations that correspond to the accommodations and foundational technology that may meet the needs of the accommodations. These digital tools are available in web browsers without the need to be downloaded, and can be accessed both at home and at work. The digital tools...
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Outcomes survey for peers who participate in peer-mediated interventions and programs
This resource is a valid and reliable measure called the Peer-Mediated Impact Survey for Peers (PMIS:P). This survey requires peers to respond to 46 items and report how they were impacted by their most recent or current peer-mediated intervention or program (PMI). Each of the 46 items are represented within...
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Co-Teaching Family Engagement Letter & 3 Surveys
The purpose of this resource is to enhance parent engagement in a co-taught classroom. The parent letter and three surveys included in this resource are devised to assist a set of team teachers in building trust and gaining parent/caregiver support in student success in a co-taught class. This resource is...
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