Integrating Transition Planning into the IEP Process
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Integrating Transition Planning into the IEP Process
Written for the educator new to transition, this edition provides critical information including a thorough introduction to transition planning in a user-friendly question-and-answer format. Chapters include: legislation; self-determination; transition assessments; curriculum decision-making; support services; interagency planning; program evaluation; and resources.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: An Introduction to Transition
- Chapter 2: Self-Determination
- Chapter 3: The Role of Assessment in Transition Planning
- Chapter 4: Individual Planning for the IEP
- Chapter 5: Curriculum for Successful Transition
- Chapter 6: Support Services
- Chapter 7: Transition Planning and Interagency Cooperation
- Chapter 8: Program Evaluation and Follow-Up
- Chapter 9: Considerations for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Transition
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Integrating Transition Planning into the IEP Process
Integrating Transition Planning into the IEP Process