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3 Ways I Build Strong Relationships With My Students’ Families

Content type: SET Blog
Posted:  20 November, 2019
As a special education teacher, I know that the majority of my job is centered around helping my students learn, grow, and thrive. Something I didn’t realize going into the field, however, was just how critical building strong relationships with my...

Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety of Secondary Deaf Students

Content type: Teacher Resource
This questionnaire was developed to measure the foreign language classroom anxiety for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. This is the self-reporting questionnaire you can use when you are curious about what these students feel about the English as a Foreign Language classes.

Mock IEP Peer Feedback Form

Content type: Teacher Resource
This form could be used for faculty instructing pre-service teachers and newly certified teachers how to implement Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and conduct meetings with families, administrators, regular education teachers, and related service providers. Having pre-service teachers and newly certified teachers host mock IEP meetings with peers and offer feedback can be an excellent exercise to increase communication skills and professionalism.

What CEC Means to Me

Content type: News
Posted:  15 May, 2023
They say, “time flies when you are having fun,” and this certainly applies to my time as an educator for the past 32 years and CEC member for 18 of these years. My introduction to the collegiality that is CEC was as a doctoral student when I made my first...
Ontario Unit

Positive Based Behavior Point Sheet

Content type: Teacher Resource
This positive beaded behavior point sheet has 2 important elements. Unlike some point sheets that focus on the student's behavior of concern, this point sheet focuses on identifying the positive behavior of the student. For example, if the behavior of concern is disruptive behavior, the student will lose point for exhibiting this behavior, but be recognized for staying in class, not touching others, and maybe work completion. As a student begins to hear positive statements about themselves, they begin to look for more and the behavior of concern decreased. This forces staff to give behavior specific praise to the student...

Co-Teaching Family Engagement Letter & 3 Surveys

Content type: Teacher Resource
The purpose of this resource is to enhance parent engagement in a co-taught classroom. The parent letter and three surveys included in this resource are devised to assist a set of team teachers in building trust and gaining parent/caregiver support in student success in a co-taught class. This resource is informed by current research in family engagement, communication, and the High-Leverage Practices.

Behavior Today 39(2)

Content type: News
Posted:  28 April, 2022
When David moved to Kansas in 2013 the local chapter of Delta Tau Delta at University of Kansas reached out, needing an advisor. He initially declined, but they lowered the response effort by offering a co-advisor so he accepted, though the co-advisor...

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