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Establishing Supportive Working Conditions: Developing Inclusive Leaders

Kaylan Connally, Zelphine Smith-Dixon, Debra Burson, Jo Hannah Ward, Jill Grubb, Matt Sewell, Jeff Adams, Christy Hunt


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About This Video

Investing in inclusive principal leadership is a powerful, cost-effective strategy to elevate teaching and learning. And leadership practices for students with disabilities benefit all students. When a principal cultivates a school environment where each student feels safe, supported, and valued, students with disabilities, along with other students who struggle to learn in school, can thrive. Likewise, research confirms that special educators leave the profession when they lack administrative support. The Council of Chief State School Officers Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership (AIPL) network supports states in creating and implementing principal leadership plans to improve outcomes for each student, with a focus on students with disabilities.

In this session, state leads from Cohort 1 AIPL teams will share about their states’ efforts to advance inclusive principal leadership through policy and practice change. States will share their goals for the work, strategies for increasing partner support for the work in implementation, and lessons learned.


  • Kaylan Connally, Program Manager, Student Expectations, Council of Chief State School Officers (presenter)
  • Zelphine Smith-Dixon, Council of Chief State School Officers Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership Coach, Chief Support Officer, Georgia Public Schools
  • Debra Burson, Bureau Director, Educator Preparation, Mississippi Department of Education Mississippi Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership Team Lead (panelist)
  • Jo Hannah Ward, Director, Office for Exceptional Children, Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership Team Lead
  • Jill Grubb, Office for Exceptional Children, Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership Team Co-Lead 
  • Matt Sewell, Arkansas Department of Education, Arkansas Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership Team Lead (panelist)
  • Jeff Adams, Arkansas Department of Education, Arkansas Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership Team Co-Lead (panelist)
  • Christy Hunt, Mississippi Department of Education, Professional Development Coordinator

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