Teacher Effectiveness
Microteaching: An Opportunity for Meaningful Professional Development
Using Emotions as Data: A Framework for Supporting Educators’ Wellbeing and Improving Professional Practice
Navigating IEP Meetings with Confidence this New Year
Kit for Teams
Kit for Teams: Revolutionizing Special Education
Kit for Teams enhances IEP team collaboration and productivity. Designed for special education teachers, therapists, and assistants, Kit offers task management and real-time communication tools to streamline workflows. Features include scheduling, data collection, lesson planning, and team chat, ensuring IEP teams can work efficiently from anywhere. The user-friendly platform keeps everyone organized, meeting deadlines, and achieving student goals. Kit supports individual users and entire districts, allowing professionals to focus on their
Brolly is a software that digitizes special education service tracking and progress monitoring, offering a streamlined, efficient, and accurate approach to IEP management and compliance. Here’s how Brolly can benefit your district:
- Efficient Tracking: Digitally track and document special education service minutes, reducing paperwork and minimizing errors.
- Goal Progress Monitoring: Easily monitor and report on IEP goal progress, ensuring that students are meeting their objectives.
- Compliance Assurance: Stay compliant with federal and state regulations by having all necessary documentation