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Component Fundamentals

Component Fundamentals

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

CEC Support (Unit Town Hall PowerPoint)

Previously used to facilitate the 2022 Unit Town Hall, this PPT includes all details regarding staff support and resources for components. Topics covered include: new member onboarding basics, volunteer recruitment, Volunteer Square, and repackaging CEC resources for your members.


Unit Bylaws Template

Sample template for Units. Use this when reviewing your bylaws to see the basic/standard outline provided by CEC. This is a great resource to reference if/when your Unit's bylaws are hindering your operations, growth, or have become increasingly lengthy and over detailed.


CEC's Bylaws

Review the Council for Exceptional Children's bylaws here. 


Public Statement Disclaimer Process for Divisions and Units

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of special education and acknowledges the expertise of each CEC special interest division. In demonstrating that expertise, divisions may occasionally issue public statements on policy or potential policy issues and must follow the CEC Endorsement Process.


Representative Assembly FAQ

Representative Assembly (RA) FAQ document covering the RA's responsibilities, composition, qualifications, and operations. 



Unit Advancement Program (UAP) Information

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

Unit Advancement Program Description and Agreement

Learn more about the staff support and program structure here.

Unit leaders

Unit Performance Matrix

Use this Matrix to assess the health and performance of your Unit. A completed assessment is required when applying to the UAP, but may also be helpful in identifying how your Unit "stacks up" and where your board should consider focusing on adopting best practices, setting goals, etc.

Unit leaders

Apply to Join the UAP

Units can apply here to be considered for UAP participation.

Unit leaders


Resources to Support Onboarding of New Board Members

Resource Title and Description Recommended for:

CEC Support (Unit Town Hall PowerPoint)

Previously used to facilitate the 2022 Unit Town Hall, this PPT includes all details regarding staff support and resources for components. Topics covered include: new member onboarding basics, volunteer recruitment, Volunteer Square, and repackaging CEC resources for your members.


Legal Pitfalls - Fiduciary Responsibility and Governing Documents Overview

This training video outlines legal pitfalls in association leadership. This is not legal advice, rather it is a compilation of advice based on successful best practices and experience from Chad Rummel, CEC Executive Director.


Activate Your Membership - Leverage CEC's offerings and resources

This PPT is focused on supporting members and how you, as a leader in a component, should promote and expose members to existing benefits and resources, adapt or repurpose to meet your member needs, and be aware of and promote as member benefits.


Board Meeting Basics

Originating from the 2023 Leadership Institute, this document covers all "basics" of board meetings! Topics covered include best practices, minutes, officer reports, improving meetings, consent agendas & how it can help your component, agenda outline, motions/voting related to Roberts Rules, and more!



Last Updated:  24 June, 2024

© 2024 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.