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Victor M. Torres III

Headshot of Victor Torres
Headshot of Victor Torres

Victor M. Torres III is a Moderate-Intensive Intervention Specialist at Aurora High School in Aurora, Ohio. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education from Eastern Michigan University and a Masters of Arts degree in Special Education (Autism Spectrum Disorders & ABA Focus) from Michigan State University. He is currently enrolled in the Educational Leadership-Licensure program at Muskingum University. Victor’s research and topics of interest include behavior, communication, and special education-specific professional learning communities. He is also a husband, father, and baseball coach.

4 Steps for Transition Planning: Valuing the Process

By    on 
June 29, 2020
As a high-school intervention specialist, my personal transition planning process has evolved over the years. Regardless of your approach to transition planning, however, there's one thing we can all share: If you value the process, your students will appreciate the growth. Read more >

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