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Join the Team

Happy crowd of teachers raising hands

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the success of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. We represent over 20,000 professionals across the United States and Canada. Read more about our Mission.

CEC is Committed to:


CEC works to promote and support a commitment to diversity, caring, and respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals. This commitment extends to both our membership and our staff.


CEC values ethical and responsive behavior, transparency, and accountability. All CEC staff strive to be the best versions of themselves to serve our members.

Visionary Thinking

Demonstrated by forward-thinking and courageous decision-making dedicated to excellence and influence in an evolving environment.

Work/Life Balance

CEC supports more than just the wellbeing of our employees in the office. There is more to life than working the traditional 9-5. CEC offers alternative work arrangements like hybrid in-office/out of office and offers generous leave packages and benefits plans.

Professional Development

CEC seeks to develop an environment supportive of continuous learning. Staff are encouraged and supported in their efforts to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Last Updated:  21 May, 2024

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