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Partnership Webinars

CEC is proud to partner with other organizations supporting students to bring you free webinars on issues facing the field, the latest in research, and more. Click on the buttons below to view more about webinars created with each partner.

CEC/NCSER Webinars

We're proud to collaborate with the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) for these research-to-practice webinars.


See what we've created in collaboration with the CEEDAR Center, including our latest series on Combatting the Educator Shortage.

CEC/AOTA Webinars

Check out this mini-series of practice-based webinars in collaboration with our friends at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).

How Educators Can Help Students with Intellectual Disability to Think College

In partnership with Think College, learn about the current picture of inclusive higher education in the US, hear from college students with intellectual disability from around the country, and learn from a panel of experienced educators how we can “Think Higher. Think College.” together.

American Rescue Plan Act Webinars

CEC Standards and HLPs: A Practice-Based Continuum for Teacher Development

Dr. McLaughlin and Dr. Berlinghoff provide an overview of CEC 2020 Initial Practice-Based Professional Standards for Special Educators (K-12), emphasizing the close alignment of the new Standards with CEC’s High Leverage Practices (HLPs).

What School Administrators Need to Know About HLPs: Tips for Mentoring, Coaching, and Collaboration

In this session, school leaders will build upon their existing declarative knowledge of HLPs to work towards development of procedural and conditional knowledge by engaging with effective models, options for observing and delivering feedback, and gathering needed resources for immediate use.

Last Updated:  19 December, 2022

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