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CEC Standards and HLPs: A Practice-Based Continuum for Teacher Development

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Presenters provide an overview of CEC 2020 Initial Practice-Based Professional Standards for Special Educators (K-12) emphasizing the close alignment of the new Standards with CEC’s High Leverage Practices (HLPs). Together, the Standards and HLPs offer a coherent focus for continuous special education teacher development from the initial preparation through ongoing professional development and support. Presenters discuss opportunities for leadership of educator preparation programs (EPPs), local education agencies, and state departments of education.


  • Dr. Virginia (Ginnie) McLaughlin
    Chancellor Professor Emerita of the School of Education @William & Mary

    From 1995-2013, Dr. McLaughlin served as Dean of the School of Education. Dr. McLaughlin was a gubernatorially appointed member of the Virginia Board of Education from 2009-2013. Dr. McLaughlin co-chaired the CEC Standards Framing Paper Work-group and Standards Development Workgroup. Dr. McLaughlin has taught courses in special education, inclusive practices, and collaborative partnerships at baccalaureate through doctoral levels. Her scholarship focuses on educational policy and teacher preparation issues. She has co-authored and served as co-principal investigator on more than $10 million of externally funded projects.
  • Dr. Dee Berlinghoff
    Professor Emerita in the Division of Education @Mount Saint Mary College

    Dr. Berlinghoff has been working in public education and higher education for over 30 years, serving as a classroom teacher, professor, and embedded coach for teachers. Dr. Berlinghoff has served as President of the New York State Council for Exceptional Children, New York State Division for Learning Disabilities, and the Small Special Education Programs Caucus of the Teacher Education Division of CEC. She served on the presidential line of the Teacher Education Division of CEC and as Co-chair of the CEC Standards Workgroup. Dr. Berlinghoff has presented at local, state, and national conferences and conducts professional development workshops for teachers. She is the editor of the Evidence-Based Instruction in Special Education series, published by Slack, Inc.

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