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Giving Tuesday 2023

Support CEC on #GivingTuesday


Giving Tuesday 2023 CEC Logo

CEC is committed to cultivating, supporting, and empowering education professionals who work with individuals with disabilities. To make this mission a reality in practice, CEC is committed to implementing efficiencies and planning for long-term financial success. To carry out our mission, CEC depends on contributions made by those willing to support education professionals. This is why we launched our charitable efforts in 2020 with the creation of five endowment funds: Advocacy, Diversity, Fund for the Futures, Rising Stars, and Yes I Can. Donating to CEC helps our association remain flexible and able to meet the future needs of the organization. No one can anticipate what resources will be needed to support the professional outcomes of those who work with children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.

Your contribution ensures that CEC has the resources to support any of its future needs. Giving Tuesday is a major source of our fundraising total each year. CEC wants this year’s Giving Tuesday to be our biggest one yet! Our goal is to raise $15,000. Can you help CEC this Giving Tuesday, November 28?

What your donations help support at CEC:

  • $1,000 supports one Yes I Can winner.
  • $500 supports one winner of the Emerging Special Educators of Color Leadership Travel Award.
  • $500 supports 12 free student memberships to CEC.
  • $1,000 supports one advocate being sent to the Special Education Legislative Summit.


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Last Updated:  25 October, 2023

© 2024 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.