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2023 CEC Leadership Institute
Alexandria, Virginia
July 07, 2023 - July 09, 2023

Breakout Sessions

View Breakout Schedule in PDF

*Next to a title indicates the session is offered multiple times. Schedule is subject to change.

Please note closed captioning is available for particular sessions due to breakout structure or logistical reasons.

July 8, Saturday

Breakout A, 2:25-3:05PM 

Title Facilitator(s)  Description  Prerequisites & Intended Audience  Closed Captioning 

Advanced Marketing: You have your foundation, now what? 

Annie Drinkard & Mason Shelby 

This session will begin by briefly reviewing standard best practices for marketing and how to leverage your components' social media and website. This session will also highlight how to build a strong, cohesive, and consistent brand identity and tools that CEC has to support you at every stage in the process.  Participants will identify how to use key platform features to spread their message, engage with members, and bring in new following. Location: Banneker 

Any Division/Unit/Sub-division or Chapter would be the attended audience. This session is meant for those components that update their website frequently and post on social media at least monthly. 


Marketing 101: Building a Strong Foundation 

Danielle Wieczorek 

This session is catered to components working to establish their best practices related to general marketing. Here, we will cover website essentials that can articulate your purpose and build and support your reputation so that members find your unique website helpful, informative and catered to them. In addition, we will cover social media basics, including items to consider and how to prepare for launching a new Instagram, Twitter or Facebook page. Location: Wright 

Participants' component should have an existing website, preferably through CEC or are interested in launching a website for their Unit or Division. This session is ideal for groups who have "basic" websites, with little component-created content and branching/links, or websites that have not been updated in the last six months. 



Good Governance * 

Chad Rummel 

In this session, we will explore various governance questions and explore some successful practices for good governance systems. We will build off of the Legal Pitfalls session and Volunteer Management session, all while diving into committee management, agenda-setting, board orientation and evaluation, and strategic planning. Bring your questions and come prepared to share what’s working or not working for your organization.               Location: Edison DABC 

All participants welcome. 


Help your members succeed with CEC's professional development, resources, and Standards and Accreditation* 

Brooke Massey, Brad Duncan and Laurie VanderPloeg 

Join us for a chat with members of the CEC Professional Affairs team! 
We'll share with you how CEC can support your members with: 
• A vast library of professional development, information, and resources that cover specialty areas across the spectrum of special education. 
• Six sets of Professional Practice Standards to support higher education programs in producing highly qualified education professionals for roles in the classroom and beyond. 
• Tools and resources to help you highlight, repurpose, and curate the information that is most relevant and meaningful to your members while increasing the value of their membership and engagement. 
We hope to see you there! 
Location: Bell  

All participants welcome. 


DEIA - Do the Work! 

Gennith Johnson & Peggy Kemp 

In this session we'll hear from representatives from the Division for Early Childhood on how they've elevated their diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) efforts through engagement, collaboration, and connection. We'll learn more about CEC's recent DEIA efforts and have small group discussions on how division and unit leaders can best support DEIA within their work.    

Location: Whitney 

All participants welcome. 

Not available


Breakout B, 3:15-3:55PM

Title Facilitator(s)  Description  Prerequisites & Intended Audience  Closed Captioning 

Help your Members Succeed with CEC's Professional Development, Resources, and Standards and Accreditation* 

Brooke Massey, Brad Duncan and Laurie VanderPloeg 

Join us for a chat with members of the CEC Professional Affairs team! 
We'll share with you how CEC can support your members with: 
• A vast library of professional development, information, and resources that cover specialty areas across the spectrum of special education. 
• Six sets of Professional Practice Standards to support higher education programs in producing highly qualified education professionals for roles in the classroom and beyond. 
• Tools and resources to help you highlight, repurpose, and curate the information that is most relevant and meaningful to your members while increasing the value of their membership and engagement. 
We hope to see you there! 
Location: Bell  

All participants welcome. 


Board Meeting Basics 

Danielle Wieczorek 

Exactly as it sounds! We're bringing it back to "basics." Together, we will review the essentials: quorum, board member updates, Robert's Rules, preparing an agenda, what "good" minutes include, and how to establish your meeting cadence. We will also share a list of tools that can help organize and support you along the way. 

Location: Whitney 

All participants welcome. Recommended attendees: New board members, committee chairs 

Not available 

Division & Unit Staff Roundtable  


Chad Rummel 

For those attending who are staff of a Unit, Division, or Subdivision, this roundtable is a chance to come together and talk about your work, ask questions, and look for opportunities to support each other. The session will be facilitated by CEC's Executive Director but driven by your questions."= 

Location: Edison DABC  

Is staff of a CEC Division, Unit, Sub-division or chapter  



Tips on Planning an In-Person Event 

Brannan and Sharyn 

Planning your first in-person event as a component leader? Needing to find a location for an upcoming in-person event? This is for you! Together we will take a look at what goes into planning an in-person event and considerations that should be made.  

Location: Banneker  

Component leaders who are preparing for their first in-person event or are wanting to plan an in-person event 


Supporting Early Career Teachers through State Partnerships  

 Taylor Gibbons & Gennith Johnson 

Join us as we highlight CEC's state partnership with the Ohio Department of Education. Learn more about how the Ohio Unit connects early career teachers with opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, professional development, and resource sharing. 

Location: Wright  

Unit leaders interested in building relationships with their state's BOE/DOE. Unit leaders interested in building a state partnership with their BOE/DOE. 



Breakout C, 4:05-4:45PM

Title Facilitator(s)  Description  Prerequisites & Intended Audience  Closed Captioning 

Advanced Membership Strategies: When, Why and How to Launch Your Own Campaign 

Kevin Jacobs  

You already have the basics down--consistent welcome letters, programs and initiatives to hold onto the members you have--and you're ready for more. But how do you keep them engaged and connected? This session will offer you guidance! Together, we will discuss the elements of a successful membership campaign, how to build it and when to execute. 

Location: Wright  

Components with existing new member support/onboarding practices (ex. Consistently sends welcome emails, hosts a new member meet and greet program regularly, etc.) 


New Member Onboarding 101 -They're Heeeeree! Now What? 

Danielle Wieczorek 

New members are joining CEC every day! Have you wondered how your component can/should support their "onboarding" process along the way? This session is for you! In this session, CEC staff highlights the onboarding support offered to new members and how components can support their transition into membership and prepare members for an impactful membership experience with initiatives. Fear not! This session is focused on the basics like pulling membership lists and welcome letter basics (including recommended tools and templates)! 

Location: Banneker  


Components who need to refine their new member support/onboarding practices; components who do not send welcome letters to new members. 


State Level Policy and Advocacy 

Kuna Tavalin 

State level policy and advocacy presents an opportunity to educate, build momentum and support, and ultimately impact change in your own backyard. The session will leverage skills and approaches to federal advocacy that can be applied to advocacy at home.  In this session you will learn from each other about successful state-level advocacy and have the opportunity to raise questions about challenges faced at home. Session facilitators will offer strategies to support your Unit/Division in state level advocacy and how to work together with CEC to advance a state policy agenda. 

Location: Edison DABC  

All participants welcome. 


Supporting a Student Chapter 

Brannan Meyers 

What can your Unit do to support student chapters? Join this CEC staff session to learn more about what student chapters need to be successful, how (and what) information you can collect from your groups to inform your support, and what your advisors need. Please come prepared to share your current practices, what's working, and where you feel your Unit needs guidance. 

Location: Whitney 

Units with student chapters or Units with existing chapters looking to build/support student chapters. 

Not available 

How to Get the Inside Scoop from Your Members 

Brooke Massey 

Do you want to know what your members really think? Do you want to find out how you can improve their experience? If so, then you need to survey your members! CEC's PD team will walk you through some high-level survey guidelines, tips, and recommendations to get your survey plan underway. Surveying your members is a great way to get valuable feedback and improve your member experience. So, what are you waiting for? Start surveying today! 

Location: Bell  

All participants welcome. 



Sunday, July 9

Breakout D, 9:00-10:00

Title Facilitator(s)  Description  Prerequisites & Intended Audience  Closed Captioning 

Good Governance * 

Chad Rummel 

In this session, we will explore various governance questions and explore some successful practices for good governance systems. We will build off of the Legal Pitfalls session and Volunteer Management session, all while diving into committee management, agenda-setting, board orientation and evaluation, and strategic planning. Bring your questions and come prepared to share what’s working or not working for your organization. 

Location: Edison DABC  

All participants welcome. 


Sustaining the Volunteer Experience: Volunteer Transitions and Onboarding  

Danielle Wieczorek 

Do you have an organized transition for new board members? What about committee members or your one-time volunteers? Let's iron out the information your volunteers need to be successful, elements of a successful board/officer transition, and why this is so important in sustaining the member and volunteer experience.   

Location: Whitney 


All participants welcome. 

Not available 

Email Communications - Tips, Tools and To-Dos 

Annie Drinkard 

Let's talk strategy! Email communication strategy, that is! If you're already sending emails to members your members (newsletters, invitations to conferences/calls for proposals, promoting events, professional development, etc.), join us as we review the essential steps to ensure you're reaching your audience, communicating with purpose, using your brand, and thinking and working smarter--not harder.  

Location: Banneker  


All participants welcome. 


Maximize Your Reach: Grow Your Membership through State Partnerships 

 Kevin Jacobs & Gennith Johnson  

Have you wondered how Unit could build a partnership with your state's Department of Education/Board of Education? Join us as we highlight what a state partnership is built upon, how your Unit can start to build a relationship with your Department of Education/Board of Education and what CEC does to support existing state partnerships.  

Location: Wright  

Unit leaders interested in building relationships with their state's BOE/DOE. Unit leaders interested in building a state partnership with their BOE/DOE. 

All participants welcome. 


Making Intentional Connections - Partnering Across Units/Divisions 

Brooke Massey & Laurie Vander Ploeg  

Are you looking to make your Unit or Division stronger? Partnerships with other CEC Units and Divisions can be a great way to expand your reach, share resources, and collaborate on new (or already in place) initiatives. In this interactive think tank, we will discuss the benefits of cross-CEC partnerships and provide tips for collaborating with your peers to spark creativity for post-Leadership Institute initiatives. 

Location: Bell 


All participants welcome. 

Not available 

Last Updated:  30 June, 2023

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