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The Power of Collaboration: Partnering to Support and Retain Novice Educators

Melissa Lummis, Beverly Maxwell, Leigh Ann Cross, Kimberly Simmons, Kathy Johnson, Amy Colpo


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About This Video

News reports continue to highlight the desire of our nation’s teachers to retire early or change professions due to the increasing workload and extra stress fueled by the pandemic. With a limited pipeline of teachers and few available “bodies” to fill existing openings, a focus on supporting and retaining existing teachers is critical.

To address this need, the Georgia Department of Education has leveraged Office of Special Education Programs and American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) funds and partnered with the Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS), the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, and Kennesaw State University to establish the Georgia Teacher/Provider Retention Program (GA-TPRP), which provides training and coaching support to novice teachers, designed to strengthen core instruction using the high-leverage practices and mixed-reality simulation.

In this session, participants will hear from Metro West GLRS and Cobb County Schools as they share how they are partnering together to collaboratively implement GA-TPRP with their novice teachers, highlighting program successes and tips for implementation.


  • Melissa Lummis, Supervisor Assistive Technology and Specialized Teaching & Learning, Cobb County School
  • Beverly Maxwell, Metro West Georgia Learning Resource System Program Specialist
  • Leigh Ann Cross, Program Manager Instruction and Systemic Improvement, Division for Special Education Services and Supports/Federal Programs, Georgia Department of Education 
  • Kimberly Simmons, Metro West Georgia Learning Resource System Director
  • Kathy Johnson, Retention Grant Consultant
  • Amy Colpo, Technical Assistance Consultant, Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institutes for Research

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Combatting Shortages of Educators Serving Students With Disabilities

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the CEEDAR Center have collaborated with national partners and practitioners to produce a 12-part webinar series focused on evidence-based strategies to strengthen and diversify the special education workforce.

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