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Room Sharing

Are you looking for someone to help you defray the costs of lodging at the annual convention? CEC has set up an online portal for attendees to share information with anyone wishing to share a hotel room within the housing block. Take advantage of the opportunity to cut costs even more by using the links below to join the list of people searching for roommates or view the current list.

Add your name  View the list

If you’ve secured your roommate and wish to be removed from the list, or wish to be removed from the list for any other reason, please email and we’ll happily remove your name.

Disclaimer: Please note that CEC will not be matching you up or assigning roommates. This space is designated as a meeting place for you to get in contact with potential roommates; however, it is your responsibility to set up arrangements. CEC is not responsible for any liability or financial obligation that may arise from voluntary matching made via this space.

Last Updated:  20 July, 2021

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