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COVID Protocols

This document contains information and protocols for attendees of the in-person convention in Orlando, FL:

2022 Onsite Attendee COVID Information

While we are excited to gather our community in Orlando this January for our in-person convention and 100th Anniversary Celebration, our primary goal is that you—the attendees of the 2022 CEC Convention—have a safe space to convene and learn responsibly alongside your peers, after two years of an isolating pandemic.

Learn more about plans for CEC 2022 and the Omicron variant.


As we have communicated over the last year, the CEC Convention will be held with the strongest of COVID mitigation plans in place, including the vaccine requirement for all attendees, staff, vendors, exhibitors and volunteers. CEC will be requiring face masks to be worn in meeting spaces and public spaces when physical distancing is not possible, and recommending physical distancing to your comfort level and those nearby. We will provide additional details on our COVID mitigation plan to gather in Orlando safely and as comfortably as possible in the weeks before the convention.

To keep everyone as safe as possible, all attendees of the 2022 in-person convention must be fully vaccinated—including attendees, presenters, exhibitors, staff, volunteers, and vendors. Registered convention attendees will receive information on how to verify their vaccination status using a free, simple, secure, and HIPAA-compliant third-party vendor. While we understand that a vaccine requirement does not guarantee safety, it is part of the best practices for protecting our community.

Accommodations requested at least three weeks in advance may be offered on a case-by-case basis for those unable to be vaccinated due to disability. Accommodations may be requested by emailing [email protected]. CEC respects everyone’s decision to make health choices that best represent your personal considerations and to deal with those consequences. Those who choose not to provide a vaccination verification may attend the virtual convention.

For those planning to join us next month in person, there are some steps you can take to assist as well.

  1. Get the COVID vaccine. If you can, get a booster.
  2. Pack your favorite mask for the convention—our sponsor, ClearMask, will also be providing masks for you for free if you need one while onsite. CEC will be requiring face masks in all meeting space and public space when physical distancing is not possible.
  3. Follow the travel policies as provided by the CDC.
  4. Consider taking a COVID test before you leave home.
  5. If your travel plans change, please let us know. Our team can assist you if you need to change your registration to be for the virtual event, February 1-4.
  6. If you don’t feel well—don’t travel.

Together, we can make this event as safe as possible.

Last Updated:  3 January, 2022

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