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Aleksandra Hollingshead, Ed.D.; Joy Zabala, Ed.D.; Janice Carson, Ed.D.

Headshot of Aleksandra Hollingshead

Aleksandra Hollingshead, Ed.D., works as an Associate Dean for Inclusion and an associate professor of special education at the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID. Alex's research agenda focuses on student engagement and she examines engagement through a lens of Universal Design for Learning framework. Alex was born in Poland and moved to the U.S. in 2003. Alex serves as an associate editor of the Focus on Autism and Developmental Disabilities journal. For last two years, Alex served as a Member-At-Large for Innovations in Special Education Technology (ISET) Division of CEC, mostly overseeing the social media presence and participating in the professional development and product work groups. As of 2021, Alex is serving as ISET vice-president.



Headshot of Joy Zabala

Joy Zabala, Ed.D., is a Director of Technical Assistance at CAST, where she coordinates the TA efforts of the National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials. Joy has over 25 years of experience conducting professional development training and presentations on topics related to assistive technology, universal design for learning, and inclusive practices. Joy is the creator of the SETT evaluation framework, a collaborative decision-making tool to support assistive technology needs of students with disabilities. Joy has served in a Presidential line of the ISET back when it used to be TAM division of CEC.



Headshot of Janice Carson

Janice Carson, Ed.D., serves as a state Director for the federally funding Idaho Assistive Technology Project as well as affiliate faculty in the special education program at the University of Idaho. Janice has worked in the field of assistive technology for over 18 years. Prior to her current appointment, she worked in the Special Education Division at the Idaho State Department of Education. Janice serves as the Chair of Idaho’s State Rehabilitation Council and is Past Chair of the national Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs. Her research agenda is focused on scaling up statewide assistive technology programs.

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