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From the Ground Up: Embedding the HLPs into Teacher Induction, Training, and Evaluation

From the Ground Up
Hannah Cousino; Melissa Driver; Meg Kamman; Wina Low
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The High Leverage Practices (HLPs), when used frequently in classrooms have been shown to improve student outcomes if successfully implemented. Join us for this webinar to hear from panel members how they have taken innovative, effective and sustainable efforts to embed the HLPs in state- and LEA-wide induction and professional development programs to improve implementation and evaluation practices. Information and examples will be shared so you can develop similar training and evaluation initiatives in your state, district or school—including suggestions for training resources that are free and applicable to all personnel working with children with exceptionalities.

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Presented by Hannah Cousino; Melissa Driver, Ph.D.; Meg Kamman, Ph.D.; and Wina Low. Facilitated by Lynn Holdheide. Original air date Dec. 15, 2020. One (1) Professional Development Hour

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