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21 results found for “

Managing Behavior 1.0: Do These Things First

Content type: Webinar
There are scores of textbooks, websites, and other resources describing theories and interventions for challenging behavior in schools, and sorting through such information can be more overwhelming than helpful. In reality, a few fundamentals probably...

Weekly Behavior Frequency Data Chart

Content type: Teacher Resource
This tally sheet can be used to track frequency of behavior each day of the week. This template can be edited to personalize behaviors based on individual case and/or as described in a student's behavior intervention plan.

Back to School: Back to (Behavior Management) Basics

Content type: Webinar
Starting the year off right is crucial for both students and teachers alike. Throughout this seminar, participants will be introduced to some of the adverse childhood events that could influence student’s academic, social, emotional, and behavioral...

Guidance for the Socioculturally Sustaining Educator

Content type: Webinar
This seminar will introduce inclusive practices and anti-ableism in special education and apply theory to educational frameworks and classroom strategies. We will review UDL, I-MTSS, RTI, PBIS, and SEL through a critical lens. Finally, participants will...

Data-Based Behavior Plans: What Do They Look Like?

Content type: Webinar
In this webinar, you’ll get a step-by-step look at what an effective and feasible behavior plan looks like. Discover how you can collect and use data to identify and define challenging behavior and its purposes. Then, you’ll see what a well-constructed...

From Philosophy to Practice: Enacting Authentic School Inclusion

Content type: Webinar
This webinar is for educators who are interested in creating authentically inclusive communities in PreK-12 classrooms in which all students are valued and have access to meaningful education in the general education setting. We will provide many...

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