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American Printing House for the Blind (APH)

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Business Information

1839 Frankfort Ave 
Louisville, Kentucky 40206 
United States 

APH is committed to empowering people who are blind or low vision by providing accessible and innovative products, materials, and services for lifelong success. This mission is fundamental to the way we work and is foundational to both the physical products we create and the intangible services and experiences we provide. From the classroom to the workplace and beyond, APH is building a more equitable and inclusive world by serving the needs of the blind and low vision community.

We believe the future belongs to everyone.

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APH Press is a scholarly press which publishes informative, well-researched, and innovative texts which enable people who are blind or low vision, their families, and the professionals who support them, to maximize their potential in society.


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The APH Hive is a virtual platform bringing free eLearning and professional development opportunities right into the comfort of your home or office, and is perfect for busy educators and families! Teachers, parents, and students can buzz over to and browse through a variety of bite-size courses related to visual impairment, relevant to serving students from birth through graduation. 


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The APH ConnectCenter offers curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, and job seekers who are blind or have low vision, and their associated professionals. It includes:

  • VisionAware: for adults and seniors 
  • For Families: for families and parents 
  • For Job Seekers & Employers – for employment info, tools, and guidance
  • Transition Hub: for school-age youth planning for graduation and life after college
  • ConnectCalendar: for people and organizations to find and share info about upcoming events in the field of blindness and visual impairment
  • Information & Referral Hotline (800-232-5463): for answers to questions related to visual impairment and blindness

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Information provided in the online directory on this website is intended to provide a guide to businesses, organizations, and resources that support the special education community. The Council for Exceptional Children or any of its employees neither endorse, warrant, nor guarantee the products or services advertised in the directory.  The information provided in each listing on this website is published as obtained from external sources that provide the information.

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