Explicit Instruction, Part 2: Anatomy of an Explicit Instruction Lesson
Online Event
Past Event
Explicit Instruction, Part 2: Anatomy of a Prototypical Explicit Instruction Lesson
HLP Webinar Series - HLP #16, Use explicit instruction
Presented by Charles Hughes, Ph.D., and Courtney Dexter, Ph.D.
Now that you know what explicit instruction is—how do you use it? This webinar will explore the steps needed to plan and implement an explicit lesson, no matter the content or skills you’re teaching.
After this webinar, you’ll be able to answer these questions:
- What are the 3 major components of an explicit lesson?
- What are the instructional subcomponents of these components when teaching a skill or strategy?
- How can the needs of your learners and the content of what you are teaching influence your use of EI?
This webinar is part of our High-Leverage Practice (HLP) Webinar Series. Developed by CEC and the CEEDAR Center, the HLPs are 22 practices every K-12 special education teacher should master and be able to demonstrate.