CEC Webinar | Introducing the Updated High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities
In this webinar, we will introduce the High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities (2nd Edition), which have been revised and updated to reflect the challenges of modern classrooms. A core addition is the interpretation and analysis of how the HLPs work together (as compared to individual, standalone practices), and alongside evidence-based practices to improve teacher practice and student outcomes. Presenters will introduce the terms pillar and embedded HLPs.
Pillar practices are six key HLPs that are most foundational for teaching and learning drawn from the reconfigured domains (Collaboration, Data-Driven Planning, Instruction in Behavior and Academics, and Intensify and Intervene as Needed). Embedded practices are the remaining 16 original HLPs that are core to supporting the effectiveness of the pillars. The presenters will also introduce and define the term culturally informed pedagogies and practices (CIPP), which are overlaid and considered alongside the pillar and embedded HLPs to better reflect the realities of modern teaching.
Finally, as compared to the original text, the presenters will highlight robust examples of HLP implementation spanning the various grade and age levels and highlight essential research backing the use of the various practices.
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Michael J. Kennedy, Ph.D.Michael J. Kennedy is Professor of Special Education in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia. He is the head of the STORMED Lab (Supporting Teachers through coaching, ObseRvations, and Multimedia to Educate students with Disabilities) please visit: https://education.virginia.edu/research-initiatives/research-centers-labs/research-labs/supporting-teachers-through-coaching-observations-and-multimedia-education-students-disabilities for free resources for teaching and learning. Before completing his Ph.D. at the University of Kansas, he was a high school special education teacher for six years and elementary teacher for three years. Kennedy's main area of research is the design, implementation, and experimental testing of multimedia-based interventions to support pre- and in-service teachers knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices. Kennedy has published over 65 peer-reviewed articles and received over 15 Million dollars in grants from Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), and National Science Foundation (NSF). He is Co-Editor of Journal of Special Education Technology and Chair of U.Va’s Faculty Senate. |
Terese "Tisa" Aceves, Ph.D.Dr. Aceves is a Professor at Loyola Marymount University in the School of Education. Dr. Aceves has supported low-income, diverse families for over fifteen years in special education advocacy. Her research interests include supporting culturally and linguistically diverse students’ learning needs using evidence-based practices, the early intervention and identification of children at-risk for reading difficulties, and special education advocacy for primarily low-income Latino families. Dr. Aceves currently provides ongoing pro-bono consultation and support as needed for the Learning Rights Law Center’s TIGER parent program (Training Individuals for Grassroots Education Reform) and Fiesta Educativa. This support includes parent trainings, program evaluation, parent in-takes, and collaborative training of educational professionals and attorneys in parent special education advocacy with low-income diverse families and communities. |