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Take Action: 116 Members of the House of Representatives Urge Appropriators to Increase IDEA Funding

CEC advocate holding fully fund IDEA sign

On April 28, a bipartisan group of Members of the House of Representatives sent a letter Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Ranking Member Tom Cole (R-OK) of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies urging them to provide $15.5 billion for Part B, Section 611 [grants to states] of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in Fiscal Year 2022 to put the program on the path to full federal funding.

The letter recognizes Congress’ pledge to provide 40% of average per pupil expenditures (APPE) for students with disabilities under IDEA and laments the chronic underfunding of the program at the federal level. The letter concludes, “we urge you to honor our commitment to students with disabilities and support significant funding in fiscal year 2022 for IDEA to put us on the path to full federal funding within ten years.”

View the letter and see whether your Representative signed on

Action Alert

Please join CEC in advocating for increases to the programs that support infants, toddlers, children, and youth with exceptionalities in Fiscal Year 2022. CEC encourages you to share this alert with your colleagues and on social media. You do not need to be a CEC member to join us in action. All it takes is one click to urge your Congressional delegation to support this effort!

Send an action alert to your Congressional delegation

Posted:  7 May, 2021

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