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OSEP Releases Fast Facts Sheet on IDEA Section 618 Data

Screenshot of new OSEP fast facts info

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) released a fact sheet breaking down the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Section 618 data for 2018-2019 and 2019. Section 618 requires states disclose data on children ages zero through two who receive early intervention services under Part C and children with disabilities aged three through twenty-one who receive services and special education under Part B. The fast facts sheet notes that the 10 new 2018-2019/2019 data files can be used to examine changes across time in the demographics of children receiving early intervention, special education, and related services under IDEA.

The fast fact sheets include visualizations of the Section 618 data, including the number of children and students served under Parts B and C of the IDEA across the past decade. The charts also show metrics such as the number of children exiting services and their reason for doing so, total disciplinary removals of children served under Part B, children served divided by gender, and the change in the number of English learners with disabilities served under Part B.

The data provided in the fact sheet is useful as stakeholders assess the effects of and access to the services provided by the IDEA as well as trends over time.

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Posted:  7 May, 2021

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