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A Message on COVID-19: Supporting Students with Exceptionalities

A Message on COVID-19: Supporting Students with Exceptionalities

COVID-19 Information for Special Educators Like You

We are all aware that schools and teachers are facing difficult decisions right now in addressing COVID-19, which is why it’s important for our community to start planning for disruptions in the normal manner in which IEP services are delivered.

While you begin preparing for changes in instruction and asking your local and state officials about how to best proceed, we wanted to share with you some resources compiled by CEC’s Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). While geared toward administrators, many of the questions provided are ones for the entire special education community to consider in altering services.

In the coming weeks, we expect additional guidance from the U.S. Department of Education (see March 4 communication) and will work with CASE to help update the resource link as new information is available.

In addition, there is already dialogue occurring on CEC’s All-Member Forum about how to alter IEP services, and we encourage you to join the conversation there to share practices that are working for you.

Children turn to you for how to react in times of anxiety, which makes your job even more important. Thank you for all you do to support children and youth with exceptionalities every day.


Jennifer Lesh, President

Chad Rummel, Executive Director

Posted:  12 March, 2020
Jennifer Lesh headshot
Author: Jennifer J. Lesh, Ph.D.

Treasurer, 2023-2025
Associate Professor, Exceptional Student Education
Lynn University
Boca Raton, FL

Read more from Jennifer J. Lesh, Ph.D.

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