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House Committee Advances Voucher-Like Legislation

piggy bank With Graduation Cap on black glass floor

On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee approved H.R. 9462, the Educational Choice for Children Act, sponsored by Adrian Smith (R-NE).


The bill would allow tax credits for donations to scholarship-granting organizations to support students from households with an income of up to 300 percent of the area median gross income. Scholarships can support private school tuition, books, and other educational expenses for K-12 students. The bill also prohibits federal, state, or local governmental control of scholarship-granting agencies.

Committee member Don Beyer (D-VA) offered an amendment to prohibit schools from receiving scholarship funds under the proposal if their admission practices discriminate against students who have individualized education plans (IEPs). The amendment failed by a party-line vote of 16 to 23.

CEC, which has a longstanding position against vouchers and voucher-like programs, joined over 40 organizations in a letter voicing opposition to H.R. 9462. In part, the letter argued, “Voucher schools do not provide the same quantity and quality of services available to students with disabilities in public schools, including those mandated under each student’s individualized education program (IEP). Voucher schools often deny students with disabilities admission or subject them to inappropriate or excessive suspensions or expulsions. This discrimination should not be supported by taxpayer funds.”

The bill advanced through the Committee on a party-line vote and will now await full House consideration.

View the Bill

Posted:  13 September, 2024

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