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Action Alert: Senate Appropriators Align with White House and House to Put IDEA on the Glidepath to Full Funding

Group of CEC advocates posing in front of the Capitol Building holding up sign paddles reading "Fully Fund IDEA"

The Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Services has released the Appropriations bill and accompanying report language for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. The legislation, which signals the priorities for Senate Appropriators, follows the lead of the White House and the Senate by providing historic funding levels for the U.S. Department of Education. Similar to President Biden’s proposal and the House bill, it would put the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) on a glidepath to full funding and also includes historic investments in high-poverty schools, social and emotional learning, student financial assistance in higher education, Teacher Quality Partnerships, and more.

The next step for this legislation will be negotiations between the House and Senate to form a single bill. Below are key details and comparison to the House bill:

  • IDEA Part B Section 611 grants to states: $15.5 billion, a $2.6b increase over FY 2021 (same level as the House bill)
  • IDEA Part B Section 619 preschool grants: $503 million, a $105m increase over FY 2021 (same level as the House bill)
  • IDEA Part C infants and toddlers grants: $732 million, a $250m increase over FY 2021 (same level as the House bill)
  • IDEA Part D Section 632 personnel preparation: $200 million, a $110m increase over FY 2021 ($50m less than the House bill)
  • National Center for Special Education Research: $65 million, a $6.5m increase over FY 2021 ($5.5m more than the House bill)
  • Javits Gifted and Talented grants program: $13.5 million, the same as FY 2021 ($2m less than the House bill)

View the bill, bill summary, and accompanying report language

The historic proposals to put IDEA on the first step of the glidepath to full funding are due in large part to the efforts of tireless advocates like you. Key appropriations staff have indicated that over the next 6 weeks, your voices will be critical in ensuring these proposals make it into the final bill. Contact your Congressional delegation in support of increased funding for IDEA and Javits in Fiscal Year 2022 through our Legislative Action Center!
Take action
Posted:  28 October, 2021

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