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K-12 Standards

Initial K-12 Preparation Standards

2 women reading "What Every Special Educator Should Know," the "red book" on CEC Standards

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)’s 2012 Performance-Based Initial Preparation Standards define what a candidate must know and be able to do to begin teaching. In July 2020, CEC released the 2020 Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards for Special Educators (Initial K-12 Standards)*.

While this 2020 revision of the Initial K-12 Standards contains similar content categories to those of the 2012 standards, the seven standard statements and the 23 component statements of the 2020 standards differ from the 2012 K-12 Standards. The focus of these standards has been narrowed to focus on preparing educators who will be working with students in kindergarten through twelfth grade.

Advanced K-12 Preparation Standards

As special educators progress in their teaching careers, many seek to deepen their skills and broaden their knowledge base through advanced study in classroom or specialty areas. Others choose to pursue new roles with special education. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) applauds these efforts, which is why we developed Preparation Standards for Advanced Programs.

Because of the varied nature of these roles, the standards can be very different. But, in general, the advanced preparation programs should address (as appropriate to the role):

  • Assessment
  • Content knowledge
  • Program, services, and outcomes
  • Research and inquiry
  • Leadership and policy
  • Professional and ethical practice
  • Collaboration

*CEC has submitted these standards to CAEP for inclusion in the SPA Program Review Process. Pending CAEP’s acceptance, they will become optional for use for reports submitted in spring 2021 and required in spring 2023 for use in the SPA Program Review Process

Initial Special Education Preparation Standards

CEC's performance-based Initial Preparation Standards define what a candidate must know and be able to do to begin teaching. 

Advanced Special Education Preparation Standards

As special educators progress in their teaching careers, many seek to deepen their skills and broaden their knowledge base through advanced study in classroom or specialty areas. Others choose to pursue new roles with special education. CEC applauds these efforts, which is why we developed Preparation Standards for Advanced Programs.

Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards for Special Educators

Special education candidates progress through a series of developmentally sequenced field and clinical experiences for the full range of ages, types and levels of abilities, and collaborative opportunities that are appropriate to the license or roles for which they are preparing. These field and clinical experiences are supervised by qualified professionals.

Last Updated:  24 August, 2020

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