Our Pledged Partners
CEC Entities
Board of Directors
Headquarters Staff
Council of Administrators of Special Education
Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
Division for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners
Division for Early Childhood
Division for Learning Disabilities
Division for Research
Division of International Special Education and Services
Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Division on Career Development and Transition
Division on Communication, Language and Deaf, Hard of Hearing
Innovations in Special Education Technology
Pioneers Divisions
Teacher Education Division
The Association for the Gifted
Educators with Disability Caucus
British Columbia Council for Exceptional Children
Florida Council for Exceptional Children
Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children
New Jersey Council for Exceptional Children
New York State Council for Exceptional Children
South Dakota Council for Exceptional Children
Student Council for Exceptional Children at the University of South Florida
Student Council for Exceptional Children at Western Carolina University
Partner Organizations, Subdivisions, and Friends of CEC
Harmony Positive Behavior Supports, L.L.C.
Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education
Langston Education and Development Society
Michigan Association of Administrators of Special Education
Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education
Santa Clara Special Education Local Plan Areas I, II, III, IV & VII
Teacher Education Division (TED) Professional Development Committee
Urban Assembly
Utah Council for Children with Behavior Disorders
Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services (WCASS)
About project20/20
This project is a three-year, outcomes-based project driven by all of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), from individual members to our various components (Divisions, Units, chapters, and caucuses). Through the project, we will reaffirm our commitment to social justice and equity while striving to create deliverables that each CEC group can begin to apply over the next three years to help their groups reach the goals of the project.
We, the undersigned, pledge to uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, staff, and the students with exceptionalities we serve.
We pledge our commitment to ensuring that all of CEC is a welcoming place for members from underrepresented backgrounds. We pledge to work toward outreach to members who need the support CEC provides. And we pledge to create and support programs at all levels of CEC that support all members.
We pledge our commitment to identifying and eliminating systemic barriers that prevent all members from equitably engaging with CEC. We pledge to ensure that all volunteer and leadership positions within all areas of CEC are representative of a diverse membership.
We pledge to provide education and programming that support special educators in serving diverse communities. We pledge to provide support and training to address social justice, racism, and cultural competence.
We pledge to hold each other accountable as we strive toward these diversity, equity and inclusion goals. We pledge that each of us individually and as groups will make these goals our priority.