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Goal 3: Programming

Goal 3 (Programming) of project 20/20 is to provide education and programming to support special educators in serving diverse communities (Webinars, Synchronous Courses, Resources/Tools, Sessions at Conferences, etc.)


Goal 3 Committee Chair
Dr. Robai Werunga

Summary of Year One

Stakeholders from across CEC gathered to identify what education and programming resources might be needed to support the various constituencies across CEC in better serving and preparing/supporting others in serving diverse communities.  It was determined to focus on training and professional development resources addressing the following key topics: 

  • Building Cultural Competence
  • Culturally (Responsive) Sustaining Practices
  • Implicit Bias/Anti-Racist Training
  • Recruiting, Mentoring & Supporting Marginalized Teachers 
  • Cultural Self Study and Examining Intersectionality (Race & Disability)
  • Advocacy for CLD learners/racial justice in schools/educational equity.

A DEI resource inventory was conducted with various CEC staff, divisions and units being asked to provide information on what resources they had in relation to these topics, who had access, and to what audience (e.g., teachers, administrators, higher education professionals, etc.) the materials were targeted.

Year Two Plans and Goals

  • Continue to catalogue what resources CEC already has in support of DEI.
  • Determine what is still needed and how these resources can best be stored, sustained, and updated.
  • Develop a guideline or framework for DEI material development
  • Develop and refine a vetting process /quality Indicators for DEI resources and materials development.
  • Examine potential models DEI certification or future micro credentialing
Last Updated:  23 November, 2021

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