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Goal 1: Membership

Goal 1 (Membership) of project 20/20 is to create a more diverse membership and programs to support a more diverse membership (Diversity Leadership Program, Mentoring, Caucuses, etc.)

Summary of Year One

Stakeholders from various divisions and units gathered to discuss a pipeline process for attracting, supporting, and retaining a more diverse membership and programs to support a diverse membership. Through an interactive asset mapping, collaborative conversations and modeling of the lifespan of an educator in CEC process we articulated and began an examining of these targeted objectives.

  • What are existing resources for attracting members from “diverse backgrounds?”
  • What are existing resources for supporting members from more “diverse backgrounds?”
  • What are existing resources for retaining members from “diverse backgrounds?”

From the asset maps we created an audit tool to track existing opportunities across levels of CEC and brought the perspectives gathered from committee members to the survey development process of the entire Project 2020 team.

ellis robinson

Goal 1 Committee Chair
Dr. Tammy Ellis-Robinson


laron scott

Goal 1 Committee Chair
Dr. LaRon A. Scott

Year Two Plans and Goals

The Goal 1 Committee is currently working on recommendations to facilitate the following:

  • Audit Tracking Process
    From our asset mapping process and an inquiry of what is needed to recruit and support Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) educators, we build a tracking audit tool. This tool will be completed with committee members during year two to identify holes and items for development. Ongoing programs and new projects within CEC developed through information sharing and collaboration with other goal committees will be included to identify strengths, areas of need, and additional areas of collaboration.

    This tool includes divisions and state/provincial units for tracking activities recommended to achieve goal one. A representative from each division and unit will be asked to respond with examples of each activity they are including in their engagement with members. Additional categories of activities not accounted for on the grid can be added to extend the conversation and thinking about best methods to attract, support and retain members from “diverse backgrounds.” 
  • Practitioner Focused Social Justice Project Grants Development
    Committee members will convene a focus group of diverse practitioners and gather information to develop specific grant/awards focused on K-12 project opportunities for teachers at various career levels.
  • Deliverable: Annual DEI consideration self-audit/assessment tool for CEC Leaders (draft link)
    From the outcomes of the audit and category definitions, the committee will revise and recommend an annual/ regular audit/assessment for leaders across divisions and units.
  • Deliverable: Description of diverse membership coordinator
    Committee members will pull from the audit tool and collaborative conversations within their unit’s key activities that would best be served by a dedicated position in CEC’s administration to address issues of equity and inclusion both in practice and policy and specifically in supporting membership.
Last Updated:  23 November, 2021

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