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Attainment Company

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1158 Clarity Street 
Verona, WI 53593 
United States

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Attainment is the leading provider of CORE & Life skills blended learning solutions with traditional curriculum, apps, software, web-based programs, and AT solutions for special education PreK- 12+. Attainment is a CORE provider in NY, FL, CA, TX, DC, VA, OH, NV, MI, MN, WI, CO, IL and more. A scientific research-based approach to curriculum creation for ELA, math, science, social studies, and literacy/language development provides a solid foundation for high quality, rigorous special education instruction. Students are successful with transition skill development with curricula for independent living, communication, social skills, using transportation, building personal care skills, vocation, and work skills, too. Assistive technology and communication solutions ensure access to learning with a wide variety of affordable devices -- including solutions in multiple languages. Attainment also provides a complete line of solutions for adults with unique

Attainment provides outstanding interactive professional development and trainings with all Curricular and assistive technology solutions. PDs and trainings are conducted by experts with strong backgrounds in special education and disability needs (i.e. teachers, administrators, researchers, professors, vocational rehabilitation directors, speech language pathologists, and assistive technology specialists) 

When you go to you will find hundreds of easy to access samples. This allows you and your team to understand more deeply what each solution is about. We look forward to being a strong partner in the work you do with individuals of “differing-abilities” Thank-you for what you do each and every day – your work is a gift to our world! 

For more info and review materials please contact: [email protected]

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Core Curriculum Solutions (Early Education, Primary, Intermediate, Middle, High)

A continuum of resources across the grad bands covering all core content areas. They align to national and state standards while also building the foundational skills needed to access later instruction. The solutions blend traditional and web-based formats to engage all types of learners.


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Provides lessons specific to each of the five WIOA/IDEA required transition activities. These lessons engage students in meaningful instruction that supports independent adult living and employment skills. Lessons are leveled to meet the needs of all learners. (Units: Job & Career Exploration, Work-Based Learning, Post-Secondary Training, Workplace Readiness and Self-Advocacy)


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Explore Algebra

Explore Algebra is a year-long algebra course that covers both foundational and standards-based algebra concepts in ten chapters. The curriculum comes with an Instructor's Guide with detailed lesson plans that embed evidence-based practices, like time delay and model-lead-test, to promote quality instruction. It also features content-based activities that instructors can implement to enhance student learning and foster engagement, and tips on how to use the included algebra tiles and coordinate plane. Content-specific UDL charts are provided at the start of each lesson to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom.


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An AAC device with 5x extra touch sensitivity and 105 message capability. Records and stores up to 100 messages in five levels. Twenty programmable buttons allow the user to personalize each level with pictures and vocal recordings. 


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student desk graphic

Students can log into our web-based software at school, home, work, and in the community. Teachers can create student accounts, manage student access to apps, and track student progress as they move between classrooms, teachers, and environments. One or three-year subscriptions, offer the continuity of quality instruction throughout the school year.


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Attainment Plus

APLUS is a unique special education LMS to support hybrid instructional needs. APLUS provides three modules:  RESOURCES – TRAINING & DATA KEEPER. Resources provides the curricular materials in digital formats. Training provides a plethora of in-time recorded videos showing the curricula in action with students and training webinars on implementation strategies. Data Keeper allows you to track progress on student goals and objectives. Student progress is graphed for quality data-based decision making. Data can be viewed by individual students or in aggregate. Teachers have important instructional work to do with students. Data Keeper -- Keeps it Simple and Makes it Fast.


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It's My Life

A comprehensive life skills curriculum designed for high school students and adults with moderate-to-severe disabilities. It provides all the tools participants need to live a life with as much independence as possible. Four units include -Plan Well, Be Well, Live Well, and Play Well. Plan Well teaches participants to create, follow, and manage a schedule. Be Well covers nutrition, exercise, mental health, and healthy relationships. Live Well supports participants with independent living skills, such as meal prep and household chores. Lastly, Play Well educates participants about options for leisure skills, including hobbies, social networking, and hanging out with friends.


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Social Emotionals

Social Emotional Learning is a critical component of successful academic student achievement. Attainment has a wide variety of social skills programs to meet the needs of students from elementary through high school. Check out the social skills program that’s right for your students!


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Access English I

This is a hybrid ELA solution designed to provide highly engaging adapted literature for High School from a strong research base with EBPs. The text is written with shorter chapters, high-utility vocabulary, and reduced complexity sentence structure. This curriculum provides broad and deep access to grade-level state standards in high school. Across the six units, the lessons focus on a variety of skills from vocabulary knowledge, collaboration, writing, self-determination, and research utilizing a variety of genres.


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Information provided in the online directory on this website is intended to provide a guide to businesses, organizations, and resources that support the special education community. The Council for Exceptional Children or any of its employees neither endorse, warrant, nor guarantee the products or services advertised in the directory.  The information provided in each listing on this website is published as obtained from external sources that provide the information.

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