This study determined the effectiveness of Kindergarten Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (K-PALS) for students with disabilities. The researchers randomly assigned 89 kindergartners with individualized education programs (IEPs) from 47 classrooms to control (n = 9); K-PALS Level 1 (teachers received 1-day workshop; n = 19); or K-PALS Level 2 ( teachers received workshop plus booster sessions ; n = 19). Multivariate analysis of covariance on posttest measures of beginning reading skills indicated that K-PALS students outperformed controls on alphabetic and oral reading measures, but that no reliable between-group differences were attributable to level of support. The researchers also discuss directions for further research and implications for implementing classroom-based reading interventions for students with disabilities.
The Effectiveness of Kindergarten Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies for Students with Disabilities
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Exceptional Children