The field of early childhood intervention for infants and young children with disabilities or delays has a rich history that spans many disciplines of practice. Both legislation and research has provided a foundation for how services are delivered to this population, and there are several recommended practices that govern service delivery to this group, the most prominent being family-centered care, team process, and natural and inclusive environments. Unfortunately, the field is facing many challenges because of the growing heterogeneity of children's and families' needs, the increasing complexity and variability of service systems, and dwindling resources available to support an infrastructure. Recommendations to address the future of early childhood intervention include adopting a culture of accountability across all dimensions of service provision, developing and instituting evidence-based practice, implementing comprehensive systems of professional development, and collaborating and merging with the early care and education movement that is growing rapidly across the country.
Early Childhood Intervention: A Promise to Children and Families for Their Future
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Exceptional Children