Explicit Instruction (EI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) have been identified as high-leverage instructional practices in special education, effective for bolstering academic outcomes among learners with processing difficulties and enabling all learners to access curriculum. Given the breadth of research supporting the use of EI across content areas and age groups for individuals with learning disabilities and the importance of intentional, universal design and delivery of lessons that maximize access to content for all learners, teachers and researchers must not only understand EI and UDL but be able to jointly leverage both key instructional practices to create effective and accessible lessons. The purpose of the current article is to demonstrate that EI and UDL can be used in tandem to render instruction in special education accessible to the broadest range of learners, and in the most impactful manner possible.
Approaching Explicit Instruction Within a Universal Design for Learning Framework
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TEACHING Exceptional Children