Kareem Thompson

Kareem L. Thompson, Ed.D., serves as Assistant Principal for Curriculum at Congress Middle School in Boynton Beach, Florida. He also serves as an adjunct professor at both Palm Beach State College and Lynn University. He earned his Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from the prestigious Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) at Lynn University. His professional interests include teacher evaluation systems, professional development, teacher preparation, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, middle school special education programming, and transition. Dr. Thompson is a well-known community, civic, and religious leader, often requested to host, sing, teach, and speak at various local, state, and national programs. Most notably, Dr. Thompson has been a featured speaker for the Nate King Cole Generation Hope Music Educators Conference and the Kennedy Center for the Arts Special Education Webinar Series. He is a national advocate for individuals with unique abilities, talents, and gifts. Dr. Thompson was a special education teacher for ten years in Palm Beach County and is currently in his eleventh year as an administrator.
Kareem joined the Elizabeth Farrell Society in 2023.