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CEC and its various divisions, units, caucuses and chapters are pledging to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion. What is YOUR pledge?


icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to foster fairness for all children and staff, to meet everyone's individual needs, to respect differences, and to promote inclusion of all in the learning environment.

– Brianne

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to:

  1. provide my students with the skills and support they need to succeed in STEM fields.
  2. advocate for increased access to STEM education for all students, regardless of their abilities or location.

– Acer Pitas 

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectQuality education is backbone of nation,Good governance, Quality education, is best for development, progress and prosperity of nation Education includes, moral, social, religious, cultural, educational, political, economical, spritual, intelectual, scientific and human values, Education is fundamental human rights of every human being, Education is constructive process.Edu cation character building process, Education modifies behaviour of learner 

– Abdul Rafiq parray Teacher

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for my students and colleagues by upholding the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion that the CEC holds dearly.

– Shauna Watson Gholston

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge collaborations and work to improve cultural responsiveness of future special educators.

– Melinda S Burchard

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be committed to students and advocate for the diversity, inclusion, and equity they deserve.

– Shelby Bruce

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI commit to continuously pursue the enhancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion; to advocate for all persons, students with exceptionalities and the families we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism. My ongoing commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is solid. Diversity, equity and inclusion is not something that can just be talked about, were no action takes place. Diversity, equity and inclusion has to be a way of life; it is for me. 

– DeLisa Contreras 

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI am committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. I am committed to helping allies understand the difference between supporting advocacy and speaking for others. I am committed to leading by example to promote inclusion by abandoning white, herteronormative terminology. I pledge to inform and educate others about Disabled culture and community to combat ableism and ensure we are represented. 

– Danielle Drazen Dutcher

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to hold up the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and support all children and families we serve as well as my colleagues. I will welcome and engage those with diverse backgrounds. I promise to examine my values, beliefs, and actions to reflect on my prejudices and those of my community. I will hold up empathy, strength, and hope in an imperfect world. 

– Michelle Davies

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to support/create/drive educational experiences that result in equality in our society. We are better when all voices are heard, all talents realized, all learning supported. 

– Michelle A Kalos

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, by being an ally for all and continually reflecting on my own biases, and working to overcome these biases.

– Kelly Acosta

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

– Cynthia Patton-Johnson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to help increase AK CEC's membership, presence, and efficacy in the state of Alaska and on the national level

– Lisa Villano

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for inclusion.

– Rosalee

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of Project 20/20 by participating, discussing, and taking action within my community in order to increase my knowledge and uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

– Nataleigh Fabian

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to amplify and respect diversity across my professional and personal life. Professionally I will infuse equity-focused instruction into pre-service teacher preparation, support future teachers in their endeavors to work towards anti-racist classrooms, and confronting systems of oppression within their schools. Personally I will continue to grow and reflect on my own practices to become anti-racist and inclusive across intersectionalities.

– Tracy Sinclair, PhD, BCBA

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI will stand firm in the face of injustice, I will speak out against inequities, and I will stand-up to divisiveness and hate. I will work to ensure that the voices of equity are heard, that the actions of justice are taken, and that a foundation of excellence-for-all is built. 

– mary ruth coleman

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge pledge to uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, staff, and the students with exceptionalities we serve by building these values into the courses I teach and living these values daily.

– Lisa Finnegan

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to ensure all students are valued and work towards creating a more diverse staff with the special education department. We will work to ensure students of color are not over identified for IEPs. We will fight for our students' rights to be treated as any other student regardless of disability. We will provide the best education possible and the best chance for a good life through post secondary opportunities for all students..

– Jacqueline Camacho

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to work toward mitigating the development of implicit and explicit bias in early childhood.

– Mary Ann McCabe, Ph.D., ABPP

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be aware of and take action to break down systems that perpetuate racism and to work in partnership with others to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in all facets of my personal life and professional work. 

– Michelle Powers

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for inclusion and equity.

– Mariana Ricklefs, Ph.D

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to promote equity, access, and advocacy.

– Kimberly Renee' Bunch-Crump

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to continue to continue examining my own bias and engage in anti-racism education. I pledge to acknowledge and use my privilege to address and disable systemic racism, bias, and hate. 

– Jessica McQueston

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to fully commit and treat all individuals with dignity, respect, kindness and equality and to promote that all other individuals, groups, and communities do the same every day, no exceptions..

– Christy Chambers-Burke

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectIn my personal life, within my family and communities and in various professional roles, I pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, and staff as well as the infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities and their families we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.

– Christy Callahan

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to dedicate myself to anti-racist and humanizing pedagogy within my work as a teacher educator and leader in DDEL.

– Alta Joy Broughton

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to increase my knowledge and implementation of anti-bias and anti-racist ideals and teaching, and to spread my knowledge to my peers and my students. I promise to make sure my students are involved in difficult conversations and to help them reflect on their actions by modeling reflection and action in my teaching and in my life. 

– Kelly Sweat

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to continue my commitment to zealously advocate for children and families in accessing equitable educational environments. I vow to expose injustice and to hold accountable the public school systems that perpetuate systemic racism, and indifference. I will persistently use public forums, regulatory language and reliable data to compel action on behalf of linguistic and culturally diverse communities. I will not rest until social justice prevails for children and families.

– Graciela Trilla, Ed.D.

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, by engaging in personal reflection, participating in study and discussions, and taking action within my communities.

– Diane Johnson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the principles of anti-racism education, and I make this pledge as part of my commitment to eliminate racism..

–Jill Brown

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to redouble my efforts to address high quality education for all children, which is critical in addressing diversity, race, ethnicity, poverty, classism, and inequality.
We must strive together to address these complex, "wicked problems" in our country and our culture to create equity, which requires high quality education for all. (cf. Harris, K. R. (2018). Educational psychology: A future retrospective. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110 (2), 163–173.

– Karen R. Harris, Arizona State University

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be a “critical friend" and to push myself and others to remember that “disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society” (IDEA, 2004) and to commit my research, teaching, and service for the goal of improving learning opportunities and instructional support for culturally, linguistically diverse exceptional learners (e.g.English learners with disabilities)..

– Sarah M. Salinas

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to honor the civil rights of everyone. I pledge to listen and to provide a platform for those who have been marginalized in the past. 

– Missy Lucas

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion in order to support all individuals. I will work to ensure that my behaviors are aligned with my beliefs of diversity, equity, and inclusion in supporting the needs of individuals with exceptionalities, minorities, and other individuals in need. 

– Dennis Cavitt

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to recognize my voice, listen to my voice, and use my voice to stand up and advocate for my students, their families and others in my community. I will not be silent any longer.

–Andrea Wasson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support our community, and staff as well as the infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities and their families we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.

–Franklin Day

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for all students and fight for their education. I also pledge to speak to others who do not advocate for the same. I will stand my ground and stand for justice.

– Dr. :Sharon Carlton

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to find materials that are representative of my students' backgrounds. I pledge to advocate for my students.

– Maria Powell

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to listen to and read diverse voices in our field, and will work to include and cite a wide range of thought leaders in special education within my research and advocacy work. I pledge to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion within my teaching practice.

– Kathryn Sheridan Stiefel 

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to use prudence, justice and benevolence to uphold the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. All are welcome to the table to share their ideas. All are encouraged to engage in constant dialogue. I promise to be available. I promise to listen. I promise to discern. I will learn from differences that others share. I will be a part of transformation that reflects diversity, equity and inclusion.

– C. Steinsick

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to support in my everyday life, in classrooms, and workspace with colleagues and administrators to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students and educators everywhere.

–Donald G Weir

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to do my best to create an inclusive classroom environment designed to help ALL of my learners reach their next level of excellence. 

– Valerie Gauthier

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to practice and advocate for equity in my coaching of teachers, work with IEP teams and participation in creation of district special education procedures.

– Maria

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to include everyone!.

– Stacie Dojonovic

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectAs a teacher candidate and a future teacher; to work to provide a more just, equal, and inclusive educational environment and school; I promise to create and maintain a fair and equal order in the media, classroom, school environment, especially in the society, in short, wherever people are. I promise these goals to the community as per the circumstances and to do my best.

– İrem

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion in continually supporting the needs of individuals with disabilities, minorities and people in need.

– Joan McDonald

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. To use any influence that I may have to extend, develop, and highlight diversity, equity, and inclusion.

– Eric Hoppstock

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to support the work.

–Nancy M Cline

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to continue to advocate for BIPOC students especially those with disABILITIES no matter the consequences for me as a Black female. I promise to speak up when colleagues commit microaggressions against BIPOC students. I commit to say or do something when I see bias or racism in action! @AngeliqueS03 (twitter).

– Dr. Angelique Scherer, KY

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

I pledge to support a strong, diverse and innovative public education system that ensures all students' success. I will hold all values regardless of student's backgrounds, cultures and circumstances. Every child has the right to obtain an equitable and qualitative education to support them in reaching their full potential. 

I pledge for education to be a right not a privilege. 

– Erica Cruz

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be actively be recognize my own biases within my professional and personal life. I will promote cultural humility in all of my interactions, which is designed to be an active listener and have compassion for everyone in our communities, I will model this through my actions and words. I will commit to support and respect all people. I pledge to be an anti-racist!

– Gary Myrah

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to educate my new voters with disabilities about the ideals of democracy, and how their voice and vote can be used as a force to fight for their rights. I will continue to teach them how to distinguish facts from opinions and identify their personal beliefs and values. Finally, I will model respect and consideration for diversity within our community and our country.

– Linda Rockmaker

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

I pledge to remain committed to the work of racial and social justice and pursuit of equity in both my personal and professional world.

I will work to reconcile my beliefs and values, with my own action (or inaction). I commit to advocate for equity and inclusion in all that I do.

– Janet Queneau

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to continue learning about what I can do to be a better ally.

–Shamby Polychronis

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to engage in anti-racist actions and conversations to support the needs of our students and youth. It is time for educators to champion the needs of our most disadvantaged families and students, and to address the systemic, structural and institutional discrimination and racism that disproportionately impact the lives of BIPOC.

–Anjanette Pelletier

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectWhen working with families of differing background, culture, language or needs, I pledge to listen first; ask questions second; and offer support and resources third. I pledge to monitor my own biases, both explicit and implicit, to improve my interactions with students, families and fellow professionals.

– Jenn Slechter

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

I pledge to remain committed to the work of racial and social justice and pursuit of equity even when it is challenging and forbidden by those in power.

I will work to reconcile my beliefs and values, with my own action (or inaction). 

The most marginalized among us need those of us with relative power and privilege to acknowledge the systems of oppression and work to dismantle them.

– Jenna Voss

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold diversity, ethical treatment of the vulnerable, be an advocate for what’s uncomfortable to create a more inclusive, just, and accepting environment among myself, family, peers and colleagues. This means sharing the difficult and respectfully objecting to practices that are not inclusive and accessible even when the skills, knowledge and abilities of others are not able to solve the injustice alone. I will walk this mission together to increase access for all.

– Dr. Kelly Grillo

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to lend my experiences, time, and ideals as a volunteer agent of change in the fight for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion. I will do this by exercising my right to vote, participating in workgroups and coalitions with like-minded values for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion. Where possible, I pledge to hold leaders accountable so their investments aligns with their spoken or written values..

– Liz Stewart

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold CEC's vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, and staff as well as the infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities (and their families) whom we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.

– Colby Hall

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to help facilitate equitable opportunities, education, and outcomes for and with people from communities who have been historically marginalized. I will take an anti-racist approach to my beliefs and interactions by noticing and speak up against injustices and transforming systems that perpetuate inequities for all people but especially people with disabilities, disabled students, and BIPOC students, staff, and educators.

– Maria Hugh

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to, as a librarian, provide more diverse support and resources to our professional community. I will also focus those resources to address social justice, racism, and cultural competence..

– Justin Stenger

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

I pledge to remain committed to the work of racial and social justice and pursuit of equity even when it is challenging and forbidden by those in power.

I will work to reconcile my beliefs and values, with my own action (or inaction). 

The most marginalized among us need those of us with relative power and privilege to acknowledge the systems of oppression and work to dismantle them. 

– Jenna Voss

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to value diversity and to be sensitive to different cultural needs by practicing and seeking both equality and equity in service delivery to most vulnerable individuals in my community

– Cliff Oliech

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to ALWAYS uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion not only in my classroom but in my community. I pledge to educate my students, colleague, and neighbors on advocating for these rights..

– Elise MacIntosh

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to value the diversity of all people and work toward equity, and inclusion, in my teaching leadership. I promise to model these value for our organization in support of infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities and their families, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism. 

– Elizabeth Doone

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI will uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, staff, and the students with exceptionalities I serve.
I pledge my commitment to identify and eliminate systemic barriers that prevent all members from equitably engaging with CEC. 
I pledge to provide education and programming that support special educators in serving diverse communities.

– Carole Allert

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be proactively aware of my own implicit biases, including those biases which feed systematic racism. I pledge to promote inclusion of all individuals regardless of race or heritage in my profession and community, and to give space for all voices to be heard. I pledge to confront my own racism and biases, to denounce acts of racism, and stand by individuals of color who are disproportionately impacted in our schools and communities. 

– Dr. Brenda Robertson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to respect the lived experiences of each of my students of color. I pledge to challenge and be aware of my own implicit biases and how they impact my role as an educator. I pledge to work to dismantle the systems of racism and oppression in our communities that continue to marginalize my black and brown students and rob them of fundamental opportunities for growth and success.

– Ann Stiltner

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to support inclusive and equitable early childhood education for all young learners.

– Ann M Esposito

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to develop critically conscious special education teachers who are equipped to create inclusive, culturally relevant environments for students and their families from minoritized backgrounds.

– Alexandra Shelton

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to work to reduce my implicit biases, have uncomfortable conversations, and keep race at the forefront of my decision making. I will continue my internal work of unlearning racism and white supremacy.

– Stephanie Duch

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be an Upstander in my professional and personal life, and to advocate for anti-racist policies and practices. I promise to speak up when I hear and see anything that is not right and just. I pledge to support justice for all because #BlackLivesMatter.

– Laura Clarke

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all individuals, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.

– Nancy Surbrook-Goins

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to continue to work for equity, inclusion and diversity in my professional and personal life. I pledge to continue to listen, learn and stand with those whose life experiences are different from mine and to increase my understanding of empowerment, advocacy, anti-racism and equity. I pledge to speak up when it may difficult and to get into "good" trouble as the late Rep. Lewis would say.

– Bridget Walker, PhD

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to recognize my own biases and be cognizant of not to judge others by their race, ethnicity, cultural differences or beliefs. I will speak out against injustice and inequality and be the change I would like to see in others.

– Dr. Rosalind Hall

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to show empathy to black and brown children; to talk to all students about social justice and about making positive changes in our world.

– Ijeoma IJ Popoola (Ed.D Candidate)

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to identify and eliminate biases within myself that may influence the work that is done in our schools so that all people, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, or other status, can experience a high quality, rigorous, and equitable education rooted in the spirit of our American democracy.

– Kevin Rubenstein

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to engage with anti-racism efforts by listening and learning. I commit to ensuring that my future scholarship, teaching, and political activism will forefront issues of diversity and equity. I aim to reflect on the work of Elizabeth Farrell and recommit to playing a role in making lives better for individuals with disabilities and their families--including BIPOC families who have been too frequently left out of our scholarship/advocacy efforts. Black Lives Matter. Vote.

–Chris Lemons

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be actively anti-racist and design curriculum that is more universally accessible for all students.

– Elise Hoekstra

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to speak up and have courageous conversations regarding equity and inclusive for all learners!

– Laurie Banks

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for equity and diversity in my school, to support hiring and retention of teachers of color and to continue to work on decolonizing my curriculum and providing role models of color for my students. 

– Julian Laferrera

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectIn my teacher preparation courses I commit to continue to learn with and from all students about inclusive strategies in education. I commit to continue to implement and model use of universal design for learning (UDL) in course design and assessment. I commit to give, exhibit, and model feedback that is appropriate and useful. I commit to practicing and continued study of anti-racist pedagogy/andragogy.

– Heather Haynes Smith, PhD

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be actively aware of my own biases within my personal and professional life and model through my actions and words my support and respect for those of ANY color, race, culture, gender, or sexual preference. I pledge to be an anti-racist!

– Beth Hoffman

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to increase awareness of inclusion practices, promoting equity in special education and general education classrooms.

– LeAnne Syring

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to promote equity, kindness, diversity, and inclusion into all areas of my day -- personal and professional. 

– Angela Hodges, Northern Illinois

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for inclusion, fairness, and equal opportunity as well as be an ally for those from groups traditionally discriminated against, marginalized, and oppressed. 

– Jeremy W. Ford, Ph.D., NCSP

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI will strive to recognize my individual biases and confront them, working to reframe my responses to others in my community. I will teach my students the same by modeling my own behavior. I will speak of the issues of equity my children may see in their community and give them the tools to make a change. 

–Summer Gunn

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to fully and faithfully advocate for the unique learning needs of all my students. I will recognize the differences and values inherent in each individual regarding race, gender, ethnicity, orientation, socioeconomic status, and disability. I will move myself, my school, and my greater community to address and overcome systemic bias.

– William Swann

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to create and promote classrooms of inclusion in my higher education setting. I pledge to always encourage myself and my students to never give up doing what’s right for the sake of progress and community.

– Midge Simmons, Ed.D.

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion and support all in our community through actions, words, and deeds. I am taking this pledge because we must all be actively involved and work collectively to remove the burdens and barriers of racism, discrimination, exclusion, and inequity for ours and future generations of students and the individuals who serve them.

– Endia Lindo

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, and staff as well as the infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities and families we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.

– Rob Holloway

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to actively engage within my community and educational setting in conversations that promote the inclusion of all individuals without regard to race or ethnic heritage. I pledge to actively listen to others and to share my own experiences of the lifelong impact of explicit and implicit bias, systemic racism, and discrimination.

– Deborah Dupree

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to use my privilege to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion for students with and without disabilities. 

– Sara Taylor

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to personally reflect upon my own implicit bias and purposefully end my participation in institutional racism to the highest degree possible. I will recognize and confront racism when I encounter it and work to listen to those colleagues, friends, and students of color to best help, as well as amplify the voices of people of color so that all voices are heard and can engage in all facets of education.

– Christine Zanoni

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, and staff as well as the infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities and families we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic and institutionalized racism.

– Laura Nugent

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectAs a school administrator, I pledge to recommit and strengthen efforts to ensure that my school community understands the importance of social justice and racial equality;
I pledge to self-reflect daily to check my own stereotypes, and prejudices, as I work for the elimination of systemic and 
institutional racism. I will call out systems that perpetuate institutional racism when I see them and review school policies/procedures to reflect the principles of equity, inclusion, and justice;

–Nancy Maguire Heath

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to promote equity for students experiencing exceptionality within my school and school district.

–Ann from Oregon

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI will speak out against racial and social injustice, stressing the values of humanity and the valuable presence of each one of us.

– Tobe G Daum

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

– Colleen Parker

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to commit to fighting for systematic changes and improvements in equity, diversity and inclusion in my district and state. I promise to work to notice my own bias and use that knowledge to grow my mind and understanding. I will respect the strength that comes with difference and the positive contributions diversity brings to our community. I will reflect daily on the fairness of my own actions and comments. 

– Heather Borges

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to always create a safe and inclusive environment for staff, students, and families. I will be aware of my own bias and privilege and advocate for diversity and equity in hiring decisions. I will be an anti-racist and make sure others see me as an ally and advocate.

– Jenny Smithson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to support the civil and social rights of all people, especially individuals who historically have been members of underrepresented groups and immigrants. All children and their families deserve respect, equitable access to education, housing, social services, health services and citizenship. Protecting the right to vote of all citizens is essential. Free appropriate and public education for all children and youth, with and without disabilities, must be guaranteed under our constitution..

–Susan Fowler

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I will listen, learn, and support others, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism. As a teacher educator, I will prepare future educators to do the same. As a researcher, I will explore how to develop pedagogical and professional discernment in new and early career teachers, as such discernment is imperative to facilitating presumed competence, self-determination, equity and inclusion in our beautifully diverse world. 

– Amber Rhodes Peacock

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

I pledge to be proactively aware of my own implicit biases that dehumanize and suppress others, especially those biases which feed systematic racism. I pledge to promote inclusion of all individuals regardless of race or heritage in my profession and my community and to give space for their voices to be heard.

– Benjamin Tillotson

–Kelly Downey

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI commit to listening to those seeking to be heard, to ensure that young people of color feel valued and safe in school and the community, and to work together with schools, districts and communities to break down the barriers that stand between students of color and the equitable education they deserve.

– Ruth

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to listen to diverse voices to reflect on my own patterns of bias and create opportunities for my community to do the same. I commit to acting on those reflections by creating a classroom culture and environment that inspires anti-racist actions and inclusive mindsets. I am dedicated to instructing and monitoring equity and inclusion in all my social contexts. 

– Elizabeth Daley

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate for the inclusion of exception infants, children, students, and all people into our society while fundamentally denouncing the systematic racism that continues to be practiced in our country. 

– Kathryn Hodson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to engage in active efforts to root out discrimination in all of its forms, including systemic racism. I will do so by: acknowledging my own biases, working to understand how I may inadvertently contribute to systemic inequities, and making efforts to meaningfully contribute to a more just educational system and society.

– Brian Cavanaugh, Ed.D.

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to uphold the vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to support all of our members, volunteers, and staff as well as the infants, toddlers, and students with exceptionalities and families I serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.

– Kristin Wikel 

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to bring up uncomfortable conversations about privilege, implicit bias, and to challenge myself and others to grow. I will continue to remind others, as they discuss race, that ableism must also be a part of that discussion as well as the intersectionality of both. I will look for opportunities in my personal life to use my privilege to help someone who is impacted by institutionalized racism and ableism. 

– Nicole Bucka

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI promise to take actions that reflect my commitment to uphold the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I will write letters to those in congress who represent my state. I will volunteer to work for my party to help educate voters and encourage them to vote. I will volunteer to tutor those who are learning English as a second language. I will examine my heart and mind for any unrecognized biases and address them.

– D. Phillips

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate and work to inform my educational community about the Science of Reading. I pledge to ask my community, as I have asked myself, "Why have we excepted the poor reading scores of black and brown children for so long?" Have we challenged our biases about how children learn to read and honestly asked ourselves if our methods are actually working for all our students?

– Mary Baker-Hendy

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to create an inclusive classroom by being aware of my own implicit biases and alter my teaching to respect the diversity and equity of all learners..

– Summer Faso, San Jose, CA

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to create and promote a classroom of inclusion, respect and kindness. Using my personal strengths to develop a culture that strives to eliminate personal bias and promotes life-long learning in an atmosphere of acceptance and grace.

– Terry Shamley

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to work to discover my internal bias, to help others see and confront their own bias. I pledge to fight for inclusion and equity for all children from birth through 12th graded and beyond. I pledge to encourage others to join the fight and lead in a way that makes people want to follow. Finally, I pledge to break down barriers and follow a path of continuous learning and growth.

– Sarah Parks-Reese

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to stay committed to the cause of equity and accessibility. When we help those who need the most, it benefits all of us. We have to remember that. I pledge to keep my optimism up to encourage myself to never give up doing what's right for the sake of progress and community.

– Melanie Gladstone

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI stand in solidarity with members of our community identifying as Black, African American, Native-American, American Indian/Indigenous, Latinx, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander. I pledge to call out systemic inequities I may knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate as an educator, scholar, and friend. I pledge to recognize and confront my own racism and biases, to denounce acts of racism, and stand by individuals of color who are disproportionately impacted in our schools and communities.

– Terese C. Aceves, Ph.D.

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be proactively aware of my own implicit biases, including those biases which feed systematic racism. I pledge to promote inclusion of all individuals regardless of race or heritage in my profession and community, and to give space for all voices to be heard. I pledge to confront my own racism and biases, to denounce acts of racism, and stand by individuals of color who are disproportionately impacted in our schools and communities.

– Carina M. De Fazio, Ph.D.

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge that I will confront my internalized racism and implicit biases, and learn to reflect and act in ways that affirm and support our students and members of our community identifying as Black, African American, Native-American, American Indian/Indigenous, Latinx, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander. I pledge to call out those within our profession who act in ways that are adversative to the values we promote in our affirmation.

– Jennifer Lesh

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to reflect and confront my own implicit biases and racism. I pledge to promote inclusion of all individuals regardless of their race, ethnicity, and gender identity. I stand by and support individuals of color in my profession and community. 

– Ankita Bhattashali

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to stay focused on the equity work being done in my school building and department. I will increase my awareness of implicit bias, microaggressions and my reactions. I will continue to engage those around me in DEI discussions and determine how to best serve all students with whom we work. I promise to be a better version of myself every day.

–Stacey Wolfe

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI will support equality, diversity, and kindness in all I do.

– Anthony Done

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge that I will confront my internalized racism and implicit biases, and learn to reflect and act in ways that affirm and support our students and members of our community no matter what their race. I pledge to call out those within our profession who act in ways that are adversative to the values we promote in our affirmation.

– Laural Jackson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to advocate & put forth concerted effort to engage others in dialogue about the value of cultural sensitivity & awareness in order to increase Love & eliminate Hate. 

– Sonya Vitalia Silva-Baca

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to be proactively aware of my own implicit biases that dehumanize and suppress others, especially those biases which feed systematic racism. I pledge to promote inclusion of all individuals regardless of race or heritage in my profession and my community and to give space for their voices to be heard.

– Benjamin Tillotson

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI pledge to support, advocate, and speak proudly for CEC’s vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I will support and promote those systems that fully welcome and embrace all persons, and especially those who have been most marginalized within our society....recognizing, celebrating, and embracing the amazing gifts each bring to into our lives. 

– Bill Bogdan

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