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Volunteer Spotlight

We know special educators have challenging jobs. Yet thousands of our members find time to volunteer for CEC in so many different ways. Why? Read testimonials from CEC volunteers over the years and find your why.

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icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI decided to run for an office in the Teacher Education Division and volunteer as a way to increase membership through the Special Interest Groups/Caucuses. My "professional home" is within that caucus and TED. I have learned a lot about CEC's benefits to members, more about my division, and met many wonderful "colleagues and friends." CEC and TED's professional development sends me back with a list of ways to share learning with future special educators. I am also a student CEC chapter advisor and began my time with CEC when I was an undergraduate student at the university I now teach at over 30 years ago. I can clearly say CEC has made a difference AND impacted my career!

Shantel Farnan,
SIG/Caucus Liaison, Teacher Education Division (TED)

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI volunteer to give back for the decades of benefits I have received from CEC. My experience has connected me with the best of the best in our field. I use the information I receive through CEC to structure the courses I teach to prospective special education teachers. I encourage others to volunteer to be part of an organization that works for the greater good of children and youth with disabilities. Use the website and the journals/publications to keep informed and be part of the path forward. Better together!

Margaret Lubke
Minnesota CEC President Elect

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

I decided to volunteer because there was a huge gap in leadership in my state. This jump has taken me from the state level to the national level. I have gained professional experience, practical knowledge for my work, and so many connections at various levels. I have formed friendships with people whom, without CEC, I would have never met. Volunteering on Leadership Development Committee has allowed me to help make decisions which will have a positive impact on the future of CEC. Volunteering has impacted my growth as a leader and helped shape who I am as an educator. 

Kim Moffett
Leadership Development Committee (LDC) Member
Division of Leaders and Legacy- Board Leadership Liaison

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project

In finding CEC, not only did I find an incredible community of like-minded individuals, but I found my own support system to become the best educator I could be. When I was attending the Portland CEC Convention in 2020 as the sole classroom teacher from my district, I sought out the Ohio CEC crew. After attending a board meeting the following month, the rest is history. An organization like CEC, beyond ALL the other benefits, gives us teachers the reassurance that we are not alone. And that means more than can be expressed in words.

Laura Sebastian
CEC Ohio Board Member and CAN Coordinator

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectProfessional organizations will only thrive if more people are willing to work together and contribute in small ways toward the betterment of the profession. You will get out of CEC as much as you give to it. Being a part of CEC and CASE has allowed me to meet new people, expand my professional network, and broaden my understanding of the field.

Kevin Rubenstein,
President-Elect, Council of Administrators of Special Education

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectCEC has always been my professional home. My term as CEC President was the best experience I could have ever had-- It was personally and professionally rewarding. Volunteering, first in little ways, then in larger ways, gave back a hundredfold. It built leadership skills, developed professional knowledge, and created life-long friendships. 

Kathy Puckett,
CEC President, 2009

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectAs a teacher, I love being able to support my students daily learning and growth in the classroom. As a CEC volunteer leader, I love being able to support my profession’s daily learning and growth. CEC leadership has afforded me opportunities to connect with other educators, administrators, and policy makers from my county, state, and internationally. Giving my time and talents to a global community of advocates for children with exceptionalities ultimately helps the students who I teach and advocate for daily. 

Amy Braddock,
North Dakota CEC Past President

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI served on the DCD Board, because someone asked me.  It has been a great experience. Volunteering for CEC has helped me grow professionally. The knowledge and skills I gained from volunteering for CEC made me a better educator and a better person. Volunteering allows you to not only learn and grow in the profession, but also provides opportunities to mentor and give back to the field.

Kevin Miller,
DCD Financial Officer (2020-Present)

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectCEC’s and their divisions like DR and DEBH are my intellectual home. In addition to engaging in meaningful research, policy, practice, and professional development– it’s fun. I first got involved with CEC like many – accessing journals and attending conferences. I leveled up for the first time in graduate school by reviewing conference submissions, then when joining DEBH’s (then CCBD) professional development committee, and again when becoming co-chair. From reviewing conference submissions and learning more about the mechanics of communication or promoting professional development to fit the time, with each new experience, I’ve accessed new contingencies that have far-reaching consequences

Eric Common,
Professional Development Co-chair, DEBH

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI volunteer with CEC in order to support special educators in using evidence-based instructional methods.



Rachel Brown-Chidsey,
Maine CEC President

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectMy volunteer work with CEC has kept me connected to other special educators.  I love gleaning new ideas.  Being a part of CEC has allowed me to keep my passion for the field fresh and to to mentor to other young special educators.

Dr. Damita James,
GA President

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectI decided to volunteer to meet new people, expand my network, and build my leadership skills.  I have enjoyed my experience, although the pandemic halted some of my ideas and energy.  I have learned new strategies and activities to implement in my classroom

Denise Griffin
Member of focus groups, DCDT, CCC: DPHMD, DADD,ISET, DR, DARTS, IDC/Past-President of CCC: DPHMD  

icon quotation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun ProjectWhen I originally joined Wisconsin CEC, I was feeling stagnant at work and wanted another challenge. I showed up to a board meeting and was elected to be a member at large. Several years later, I was nominated to be Treasurer. My experience has allowed me to stretch myself to learn new things, allows me to network across the state, and most importantly surround myself with others who are passionate about special education.

Anna Adl
Wisconsin CEC Treasurer

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