Children and Youth Action Network (CAN) Coordinator
Congratulations on being selected to serve as a Children and Youth Action Network (CAN) Coordinator! Below, please find a repository of resources that can support you in your policy and advocacy work with CEC.
CAN Coordinator Role and Responsibilities
As a leading advocate for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents, CAN Coordinators play an integral role in advancing federal policy. CAN Coordinators support CEC policy initiatives by building a strong grassroots network capable of effectively communicating policy priorities.
CAN Coordinator responsibilities include:
- Development of an effective network of advocates at the state and local level
- Regular communication with the network to keep members informed about policy and advocacy, including circulation of CEC’s weekly policy newsletter, Policy Insider
- Activation of the network for CEC calls to action via our online letter-writing campaign tool, the Legislative Action Center
- Attendance and participation in CEC policy and advocacy webinars and events
- Attendance at CAN trainings offered virtually and at the annual convention, if in attendance
- Active participation in the CEC CAN Community
An effective CAN network is pivotal to making progress on Capitol Hill, in federal agencies, and in state government by elevating the voices of the special education profession to connect lawmakers with local experts.
The CAN Community
As a CAN Coordinator, you are automatically added to the CAN Community, within the CECommunity. [is there a way to hyperlink?] The Community serves as a forum for sharing information and making inquiries about policy and advocacy with other CAN Coordinators and the CEC team.
CEC Policy and Advocacy Resources
Familiarize yourself with the policy and advocacy resources CEC has to offer by visiting the Policy and Advocacy section of our website. There, you can find the following information and more:
- CEC’s policy agenda, which guides the work we do at the federal level with Congress and the Administration.
- CEC’s position statements, which are developed by the Policy Steering Committee, with an opportunity for the full CEC membership to provide feedback.
- Information about the basics of advocacy including key tips for becoming an advocate as well as information about the legislative and annual funding processes.
- The Legislative Action Center, where you and fellow advocates can participate in coordinated and timely letter-writing campaigns.
In-person Advocacy in Washington, DC
CEC encourages CAN Coordinators to attend/lead state teams at the Special Education Legislative Summit, an annual advocacy event for special educators which includes a two-day training, culminating with meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Additional information about this in-person event, held each July, can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions
The answer to this question is yes if you are willing to serve in the role and to represent CEC’s positions on issues impacting infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities.
The length of a term can be decided by a Unit/Division or based on your ability to serve.
While the time commitment can vary, CEC estimates that for most Units/Divisions it will be approximately 2 hours a month.
Familiarize yourself with CEC’s resources and discuss this role with your Unit/Division leadership. A CAN Coordinator 101 session can be viewed here.
Use Passcode: &V6L#CIH
Please reach out to Kuna Tavalin, Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor, for more information or to meet and discuss advocacy within your Unit/Division. [email protected]
Explore a repository of resources that can support you in your policy and advocacy work with CEC.
Membership Benefits
Regardless of what type of membership you choose, CEC’s new membership model provides expanded benefits and services and allows you to select the option that best meets your needs.
You can choose how you:
- Access evidence-based articles to broaden your knowledge.
- Receive news and information to keep you current.
- Engage in conversations that stimulate your thinking.
- Take advantage of discounts to save you money.
- Make connections to expand your relationships and find new paths to advance your career.
You work hard to make sure your students are doing their best, so CEC will help you do your best.
What are you waiting for? Join CEC today!