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TED August Leadership Message

August, 2024

And just like that Summer is winding down!

As we prepare for the new school year and finalize those new semester syllabi, don’t forget to take time to breathe and enjoy time with friends and family! We are only good to others when we are good to ourselves! Take an extra coffee break, read that “beach read” you’ve been wanting to dive into, or just call a friend and catch up!

November and the TED Family Reunion (I mean conference) will be here before you know it! I hope you have already marked your calendars for some quality time with us in Pittsburgh! I will have hugs and high fives ready for you - so if you haven’t registered yet, PLEASE DO!! Remember early bird registration ends September 15th! Here is a link for you.

Pittsburgh, PA. Nov 5-8th. Omni William Penn Hotel

Registration is open!

Policy and Political Action

Executive Board members are often asked about current policy efforts. As such, our Member at Large for Political Action, Lucky Mason-Williams and the policy committee are working to update our website with policy and action steps for members. Please keep an eye out for those updates. We also wanted to let you know, we may personally be concerned with all things education, but as an organization we can only focus on so much at different levels. Therefore, we are primarily involved with policy that involves recruiting, preparing and retaining special education teachers. Executive Board members and our Policy Advisor, Kaitlyn Brennan, closely monitor national, state, and local policy-related initiatives, often relying on messages, posts, emails, and phone calls from all of you. Upon receiving news of changes, both good and bad, we determine the best course of action. Sometimes it's through calls for collective action, seeking member engagement to bring attention to the challenge. Other times, it's by networking offline with other advocates within the policy community to determine the most appropriate course of action, whether it's direct contact with a representative or meeting with individuals directly impacted by the policy. Rest assured, work is being done on behalf of our members and all students with disabilities.

Please remember to check your inbox for the Washington Update from Kait and register for the Virtual Washington Update where you can get the most updated Policy News and dialog with your colleagues.

August’s Member on the Move

This month’s Member on the Move actually are MEMBERS on the move!

TED was well represented at the Special Education Legislative Summit! We sponsored 10 members but were joined by over 20 other TED members as we advocated for mental health, shortages, and appropriation issues on Capitol Hill! - It was a powerful experience! Mark your calendars now for July 2025 - start watching for emails so you can join us in DC

We love to highlight our members! Please share what you are doing. TED Members on the Move

TED is Your Professional Organization

I will always ask for suggestions and comments. We want to add your voice to the organization! Please think about what you would like to share with the board.

We really do want to know more about you and what you are looking for in your professional network. Please fill out this form IDEAS for TED_Virtual Suggestion Box

It can be anonymous. However, if you would like to engage in dialogue with me or another board member, please share your name and contact information. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing your ideas with the board.

It’s Award Time

It is that time of year that we look to you to apply or nominate deserving members for our annual TED Awards. Think about your colleagues and our leaders in the field. Apply yourself or we have also heard feedback that an individual would like to nominate someone. If you would like to let someone know you think they would be great for an award and should apply you can complete this form. Award submissions are due August 15, 2024. To learn more about these awards, eligibility requirements and how to apply, please go here

TED Strategic Equity Initiative Funding Process

TED has created a process to help provide funding support for individual faculty members of TED (e.g., tenure track, non-tenure/teaching, lecturers/instructional, adjunct, etc.) to enhance equitable opportunities to attend TED as presenters.


-Must be a member of TED

- Must have been accepted to present at TED 2024

-Must be a faculty member ( E.g, tenure track, non-tenure/teaching, lecturers/instructional, adjunct, etc)

If you are interested please complete this form by August 19th to be considered

Until Next Time,

Have a great month, and don’t forget to take some time for YOU!


Posted:  8 August, 2024

© 2025 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.