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Survey Results: Poor Students with Disabilities Less Likely to Access Remote Learning

The advocacy group ParentsTogether has released a survey of online learning since COVID-19 shut down schools across the country.

Among the results, the survey of 1,500 parents nationwide found that the nation’s poorest students are accessing remote learning as little as once a week or less. By contrast, the survey found that for families making more than $100,000 a year, 83 percent of children participate in online learning every day, and most are participating for at least two hours.

The survey also discovered big gaps — both by income levels and between families with and without children in special education. Thirty-nine percent of families with a child on an IEP reported not receiving any support at all, and nearly twice as many parents of children with special needs reported concerns with their children’s mental health.

The survey results can be found here.

Posted:  2 June, 2020

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