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Senate Confirms Glenna Wright-Gallo as OSERS Assistant Secretary

Picture of Glenna Wright-Gallo. Dark blue background with red box with white text reads "Senate Confirms Glenna Wright-Gallo as OSERS Assistant Secretary

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, the Senate confirmed Glenna Wright-Gallo as assistant secretary for special education and rehabilitative services at the U.S. Department of Education. Wright-Gallo has served as the assistant superintendent of special education in the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) in Washington state since 2017. While there, she secured additional funds for state special education programs including an additional $155 million for general programming, $37 million for improvement of statewide inclusionary practices, $12 million for paraeducator training, and $60,000 to reduce the use of restraint and isolation.

The U.S. Department of Education press release explains, “During her tenure, the historic state special education funding allocation formula was revised to a two-tier system that now supports inclusionary practices, and the state’s high-needs risk pool process also was revised to reduce administrative burden on school districts. Collaboration is a priority for her work, and collaborative efforts were infused within all state efforts regarding students with disabilities.”

A special educator for over 25 years, Wright-Gallo has extensive preparation for her new duties. CEC endorsed her nomination and is excited to work with her in this new role.

Read the press release here.

Posted:  12 May, 2023

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