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President Biden’s Budget Proposal Calls for Increased Funding for School-Based Mental Health Personnel

Action Alert: Support Increasing School Mental Health Funds and Professionals

When President Biden released his budget proposal for the U.S. Department of Education for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 earlier this month, a stated priority and focus was on the health and well-being of students. The budget summary noted, “Just as physical health and nutrition is critical to learning, so too is mental health. The lingering impacts of COVID-19 disruptions have taken a heavy toll on the mental health of many students, educators, and staff.”

The proposal addresses school-based mental health and staff shortages by building on current funding for two critical grant programs that support the school-based mental health professionals pipeline, the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program and the School Based Mental Health Services Grant Program. Together, those programs would be funded at $428 million in Fiscal Year 2024. It also calls for a greater investment in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part D Personnel Preparation program which can support specialized instructional support personnel including school-based mental health professionals. These programs are designed to address the significant and pervasive workforce shortages and improve access to comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to support students and schools. 

Action Alert! CEC has been a longstanding advocate for increased investments in school-based mental health services. Please join us in collective advocacy to voice your support for significant investments in programs that support increasing the number of school-based mental health professionals. Go here to join our 1-click campaign, and please spread this alert far and wide!  

Posted:  24 March, 2023

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