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OSERS Letter Emphasizes Support for Military Families

[image of a child and an adult sitting on the floor in front of a couch. The child is using a laptop computer and the adult is placing a shirt into a suitcase]

In a November 9 letter to State Directors of Special Education and State Part C Coordinators, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Director Valerie C. Williams emphasized the need to properly care for military-connected children with disabilities. Because of their frequent transition from one location to another, continuity of services guaranteed under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) may become disrupted. Therefore, OSEP is providing States with a useful tool to use with families to ease transitions, assembling scattered information into a common list of key resources. The website offers links to resources from the White House, the Department of Education, the Department of Defense, the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission, the Military Child Education Coalition, and the Center for Parent Information and Resources.

Access the November 9 letter here.  

Posted:  17 November, 2023

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