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Notice of Proposed Amendments to CEC’s Bylaws

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CEC’s Bylaws require that members receive a summary of proposed amendments to the Bylaws and have a 60-day period to comment. Members wishing to comment on the proposed amendment that follows should submit comments to or to:

  • Council for Exceptional Children,
    ATTN: Sharon Rodriguez
    3100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 600
    Arlington, VA, 22201

The deadline for input is 11:59 p.m. ET, June 20, 2021. All comments will be provided to the Board of Directors.

Proposed Revision:

Membership in the Organization

Section 1. Membership. Membership in The Council shall consist of individuals who are interested in the education of children and youth with exceptionalities and whose dues are paid. The eligibility requirements and benefits may be changed by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Unified Membership. All members of CEC state and provincial Units, as well as members of CEC Divisions, are required to hold concurrent membership in The Council.

Section 3. Rights. Except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation or in the Bylaws, professional membership in The Council shall include the right to vote; to hold office within The Council, as well as at the local, state, provincial or division level; to petition; to serve on appointive bodies; and to benefit from such other privileges as may be authorized. Affiliate membership shall not include the right to vote or petition, but it includes the right to serve as public members or thought leaders at the local, state, provincial, division or international level for such committees or appointive bodies which have those positions and those bodies allow for affiliate membership, and to benefit from such other privileges as may be authorized.

Further move, that following the 60-day comment period required by the Bylaws, the Board will review any input and make a final determination whether to proceed with adding the new membership category. If approved, staff will be authorized to determine pricing and benefits.


CEC operates as a professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. However, there may be a market for others (e.g., parents) who do not fall into the current membership categories that may find value in the offerings provided by CEC, its Units, and Divisions. Any additional memberships could help bolster the financial viability of units and divisions, as well as assist in engaging the public in CEC legislative and advocacy efforts.

One of the requirements of Units and Divisions is to “maintain a unified membership.” In other words, all of a Unit’s/Division’s members must concurrently be members of The Council for Exceptional Children. Therefore, other “individuals interested in the education of children and youth with exceptionalities” are precluded from being members of a division. In divisions whose work closely ties with early childhood, supporting families of children, toddlers, and youth is key to the work, and allowing an affiliate membership would strongly strengthen their work.

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Posted:  23 April, 2021

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