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National Council on Teacher Quality Releases Performance Review of Teacher Preparation Programs in Early Reading Instruction

This week, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) released its annual scorecard of teacher preparation programs that teach “the science of reading.”

These programs instruct teacher candidates on how to teach what NCTQ calls the “five components of reading science,” phonemic awareness; phonics; fluency; vocabulary; and comprehension. NCTQ compiles its ratings based on reviews of syllabi of teacher preparation programs for instruction on these components, and the intensity of lectures, coursework, and practice in these domains of reading.

The review showed that 51 percent of traditional elementary teacher preparation programs get an A or a B for instruction on the science of reading, a 16 percent jump since their first report was released in 2013. Undergraduate programs were twice as likely as graduate programs to teach reading science, and Mississippi performed higher than any other state on their performance review.

To view the report, go here.

Posted:  28 January, 2020

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