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House of Representatives Advances Stop-Gap Spending Measure

This week, the House of Representatives approved a continuing resolution (CR) that would extend current funding levels through December 3. The move would allow Congress more time to finalize spending for Fiscal Year 2022.

Currently, the House has advanced spending bills that would provide significant spending increases, including a 41 percent increase in federal education spending. However, the Senate has not yet considered most spending bills, forcing Congress to advance the stop-gap measure to avoid a government shutdown when the current fiscal year ends on October 1.

The House-passed CR also includes hurricane and flood relief funds, emergency funds for Afghan refugees, and a measure to avoid U.S. debt default, which is estimated to occur in mid-to-late October if Congress fails to act. The latter provision poses a challenge in the Senate, where Republicans have stated their unwillingness to act on the debt limit. At least 10 Republicans must join all Democrats to advance the CR and at the moment, that looks unlikely. It is unclear how the Senate will resolve that challenge in time to avoid a government shutdown.

Posted:  24 September, 2021

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