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Giving Thanks for a Community of Kindred Spirits

Bill Bogdan

A national day of giving, “Giving Tuesday,” was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Giving Tuesday was born and incubated at the 92nd Street Y in New York City and is now a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

Interestingly, CEC’s founder, Elizabeth Farrell, found her own “gift of giving” in her work among children and youth in New York City, many of whom were immigrants. In creating the city’s first ungraded classrooms, Farrell believed that schools should not exclude children and that schools, hospitals, immigration services, and the criminal justice system should work together to identify and help the special needs of all children. This belief has carried CEC for 100 years resulting in the vision CEC holds today and for the future.

CEC envisions a “high-quality education that is inclusive and equitable for individuals with disabilities,” a community that welcomes diversity, promotes equity, is fully inclusive, and is accessible to all.

As members and friends of CEC, we stand united as a “community of kindred spirits.” The success of this vision is dependent on the community  and partnerships we build as we advocate  for the highest quality of life for those we serve. We recognize the force for good and the power we, this community of kindred spirits, hold to not only do our best work but TOGETHER, the future course of our profession for the next 100 years.

A year ago, CEC Executive Director Chad Rummel invited CEC members and friends to consider a donation to CEC, a way of “Giving Thanks on Giving Tuesday.” For 100 years, CEC has lighted the way for serving children and youth with exceptionalities and those with gifts and talents.

And so today, we invite you once again to join millions of Americans, on Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022.

Consider making a personal donation, a commitment to celebrate CEC, our community of kindred spirits, for the vision and hope we hold for the future of education in our communities, our nations, and globally.

To help with your process of discernment, CEC has created five endowment funds that will provide clarity of CEC’s vision for our next 100 years. These five endowments include: 

  • The Advocacy Fund supports policy and advocacy efforts.
  • The Diversity Fund support diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • The Fund for the Future supports future initiatives of the Council.
  • The Rising Star Fund in support of attracting, preparing, and retaining students and early career professionals. 
  • The Yes I Can! Fund recognizes the achievement of students with disabilities.

We also offer you the opportunity to honor or memorialize a friend, family member, or colleague through your Giving Tuesday gift. And finally, we offer you the opportunity to simply support CEC in ways that are needed, as needed.

Will you consider a gift this November 29 Giving Tuesday 2022?  

As a member of this amazing Community of Kindred Spirits, thank you.



Bill Bogdan

CEC Development and Fundraising Committee Chair

CEC Past President (1999-2000)

Posted:  20 October, 2022

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