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Get to Know the Candidates for the Board of Directors Election 2021

collage of all 6 candidates' headshots

The CEC Board of Directors consists of 16 volunteer members who serve 3-year terms. The Board supports the work of CEC, and, through its fiduciary oversight, is responsible for the financial health and well-being of the organization; advancing CEC’s mission and strategic plan; ensuring adequate resources, compliance with the law, and effective organizational planning; and oversight of the Executive Director.

The election period to fill three vacancies on the board is Oct. 11 – 26 (3:00 pm ET). All members will receive an email via SurveyMonkey with a unique link to vote. If you do not receive an email by Oct. 12, please check your spam first then contact Sharon Rodriguez, Director of Governance and Executive Services, at

Learn about the candidates:

Read CEC's new Campaigning Practices Policy

Posted:  15 September, 2021

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